Decent Mods For Fallout 3

Dr. Sep

Keeper of the G.E.C.K.
Anyone have a good modlist for Fallout 3? I find it very difficult to find quality mods for Fallout 3 that aren't just bug fixes or textures and even those categories have lots of low quality mods. I really wish the modding scene for Fallout 3 would take off like New Vegas's did.
The last time I played Fallout 3 almost ten years ago I ran into the exact same problem. I was surprised that so many of the great mods for NV had no F3 equivalent. It was kind of a wake up call for me, made me realize just how much worse F3 was compared to NV.
The last time I played Fallout 3 almost ten years ago I ran into the exact same problem. I was surprised that so many of the great mods for NV had no F3 equivalent. It was kind of a wake up call for me, made me realize just how much worse F3 was compared to NV.
I don't think that it would take much besides time to transfer the mods over to 3 from Vegas besides the ones that rely heavily on the script extenders. It really makes 3 much more dull compared to Vegas than what it already is. Vegas you can change into almost an entirely different game that nearly runs and looks like a modern release while 3 no matter what mods you use at most runs and looks like a 2012 release.
Below The Depth, it redo the riverbed into something interesting.

What happened at the Fish Hunter Village, and its later upgrade Secret of Harrisport. It redo the seabed of Point Lookout into something interesting. ALSO a bunch of houses on waves.
Below The Depth, it redo the riverbed into something interesting.

What happened at the Fish Hunter Village, and its later upgrade Secret of Harrisport. It redo the seabed of Point Lookout into something interesting. ALSO a bunch of houses on waves.
That sounds interesting. I will have to take a look at it.
New Vegas having the more up-to-date version of Gamebryo's version of Fallout 3 mixed with having more already built-in mechanics makes it a much better candidate for mods. I know it doesn't answer your question, but it does explain why Fallout 3 has much less mods compared to New Vegas.