Okay cool.
So i'm looking into the damage part and I find this helpful but confusing algorithm:
ND = net damage value
RD = random damage value produced from weapons hit damage range
RB = ranged bonus (RB=0 unless the player has Bonus Ranged Damage perk)
CM = critical hit damage multiplier (if no critical hit then CM=2, otherwise assigned value from critical hit table)
ADR = armor damage resistance value
ADT = armor damage threshold value
X = ammo dividend
Y = ammo divisor
RM = ammo resistance modifier (only value allowed to be negative or positive in the equation)
CD = combat difficulty multiplier (Easy=75, Normal=100, Hard=125)
ND = (((RD+RB)*(X*CM)/Y/2*CD/100)-ADT)*((100-(ADR+RM))/100)
Questions (if there's a tut or something that explains all this, I couldn't find any):
Where are the ammo dividend/divisor values drawn from?
Can someone explain the RD value to me like I'm five? The description there is throwing me for a loop.
In fact, if someone wouldn't mind taking the time to detail an example of this algorithm, it would be a huge help.