determine if party leveled through scripting

I don't understand your question. Scripts are already responsible for displaying float messages and messages in the text box when a party member levels up.
what is it that determines though?pid for party is always base,i want to do a conditional that if the party member has level is true
Nirran said:
what is it that determines though?pid for party is always base,i want to do a conditional that if the party member has level is true

I still don't understand what you are trying to do or what exactly you are asking. But, I don't think that's true exactly regarding what you said above. The game checks for the party member base to see if that character is in the party. But check the party.txt file in the data/data folder. That file lists the critter PIDs to use as a character levels up.
I am trying to make perks that affect party members,need a way to determine if the party member has leveled up,that way i can re-apply the perks,because the game doesnt add gained abilities,it just uses the stats from the next party pid
I'm pretty sure an NPC's script can be modified to check what PID is really being used. Then, under the critter procedure, you could just add that perk. I'll see if I can find such a code.
i tried this to see if it was different,before and after he leveled it was his base pid

display_msg("Sulik PID : " + obj_pid(self_obj));

i put that in suliks critter_p_proc
best i can tell,it seems the engine over-writes the stats from the stage pid to the save file(just a guess,not verified),tested with 1 perk(stock) it wasn't changed at all,he kept the perk even after the level up

i think i can do it a different way tho,all party pid that i have seen all have emp thresh at 0,i can set it to 1 and then check if it is 0 to re-apply,going to try tomorrow,if it works and none of the party member pid's in MegaMod have anything except 0 for emp thresh i will write a bunch of perks for the party members,be cool to have perks for party members,only thing i liked about FOT

Well, none of the human NPCs have had their EMP thresholds modified. I need to check the robobrain and sentrybot. Killap modified the robobrain, I think. But I might have changed it. I didn't alter the robodogs at all. But, now that I think about it, maybe these should be considered. Just because they are party members doesn't mean that they should be immune to EMP damage.

Edit: I was just thinking, you don't really need to worry about perks for any of the machines. As a way to get rid of some of the extra money in the game (or to introduce other quests), at later stages maybe you could leave them with some doctor or scientist who could provide upgrades to the robotic NPCs. One I considered for the Robobrain a while ago was to have him move faster. When it is upgraded, it would play a different .frm for it, one that had been modified by removing frames and thereby making it look like it moved faster. Another was an upgrade to the robotic dogs: give them the Action Boy perk to give them more potential movements or attacks. All of these could be triggered just by a simple global variable, regardless of their levels.
sounds good,would be cool to be able to upgrade the bots,the script i wrote for all the party members was too large anyway,i split party members into seperate scripts,need to do lots of testing but so far it looks good,wont hurt anything if one or 2 are deleted


edit : and i added (is_in_party) for all the selectable perks,if the critter isnt in party the perks wont show