Detroit 2301 Chain Gang Fanfic


First time out of the vault
I sadly let an RP die, due to slaving away at work, I'm deciding to post this story taken from one of the RP's possible factions.

Chapter 1: The Escape

Several Sweaty men stood in Blue Jumpsuits with keyholes on the front of the neck and the text 'Property Of 187' however these men did not seem like violent criminals, but rather, innocent slaves. Half dead from exhaustion as the cold air and snow froze them, Malnourished, mistreated and beaten to within an inch of life by their masters forcing them to break the rocks for precious metals. Theodore Jackson a Caucasian black haired male heaved his hammer over his shoulders smashing a rock over and over again, the right lense of his glasses cracked, however this man held a strong build from his captivity, he seemed quiet the type to contemplate his escape. Another man had swung his hammer and soon a pile of rocks came down on him, crushing the mans legs, one of the slavers drew close to the man who screamed and begged for help however, now the man was useless to them, the slaver pointed a sawed off shotgun at the man, and fired.

The only person to even look twice was Theo, the man who's brains stained the very dirt where he had been working so long, was his cell mate back in the hold, a kind man, who he had gotten to know regrettably well. A slaver caught glimpse of this walking to Theo, and had swung the butt of the shotgun at Theo, right in the mouth, blood flying from it, as a piece of his cheek hit the ground as well as teeth, covered in the gore. Theo held back his tears he wanted to cry, but he couldn't let the slavers watch him weaken, so instead he had stood, glaring at the slaver, and spitting a fat gob of blood in his face defiantly.

"UGH!! What the fuck?!" The slaver shouted raising his shotgun "You wanna visit your buddy?"
"He ain't visitin' no one Sykes... He's still working for us... Untill he's disabled" a tall bald man said, grabbing the slavers hand.
"Listen up Sykes... I need you less than I need him... Lower that gun before I Terminate your employment... PERMENANTLY..."
"Y-yes Kabar!"

Much to Sykes shock, Theo had spat another wad of blood, this time into Kabar, the leaders face, who simply wiped the blood off of his face.

"F-Fuck you!" Theo shouted to Kabar.
"Boy... Talk All you want, you are nothing, you'll wish you were dead... I'm going to make sure you live here in agony" Kabar spoke, walking away, Theo had no choice but to continue his work, insubordonance could clearly get him nowhere.

Finally he felt a yank on his chain, and the slaves began to walk to the hold, an old prison, dragging the dead and injured who were never unshackled. That night, in his cell, the guards had left his cellmates body rotting to demoralize him, however this had done something much different from demoralization... He had risen, walked over to the body, and sat near it "I'm sorry... I Can't take it here anymore... I need your help one last time" He said to the body a gob of blood flying to the floor "I can't be forgiven for what I'm about to do... But I can't do this with the shit they're giving us to eat" Theo said reaching his hand to his face as a finger dug into his dead friends eye socket tearing his eyeball out, the stench of blood growing much more pungent, as he begins to feast on his friend, elbowing and tearing at the body to get the nourishment he would need. Now Theo had all night to work with his shackles breaking off a metal leg of his friends bed prying painfully at the shackles, hour after hour they had stretched, but his ankles had bled as the metal dug into the flesh which he discovered with the first shackle as he managed to slide it off, then the next in another hour, just in time as the door slid open, Sykes stepped in, only seeing the body, before jumping, however as he jumped he'd feel a fist to his neck, it was the last thing he felt, as Theo grabbed his shotgun off the ground and rushed out the door.
Chapter 2 The Run

Theo ran through the halls without the weight of the shackles he had left guards in the dust with his new found stamina, His feet dancing along the floors of the prison as he finally hit a dead end, a metal door with a sturdy lock. Behind him Slavers approached, he turned pointing his shotgun, the blood of his friend setting into his jumpsuit, he quickly fired both shells knocking down a few of his former masters. Suddenly it dawned on him, he hadn't collected ammo for the shotgun, fear struck him in the face like an iron fist, his breathing increased as he dropped the shotgun, panic burning through his mind. Death was coming near for Theo. In what would most likely be a futile effort he ran to one of the guards tackling him, devouring him as screams echoed through the halls, suddenly the slavers backed off staring in shock as they witnessed the caniballism. This had bought him time to grab his victims pistol a Colt M1911, and fend for himself, clearing the halls for now, this time Theo did not forget ammunition, and quickly found a keyring.

As he rushed for the door he stumbled to open it, trying one key after another panicking having to try multiple times to fit the same key in the keyhole. Soon the door flew open, entering another maze of halls, Theo had continued his dash for freedom, tirelessly, having only been quenched by raw human flesh. Finally he had entered a bombed out area of the prison, the mess hall, after fumbling with more doors. He had found an entrance to the prison yard, vaulting over what little was left of a wall, dashing for the fence, firing at pursuers from the outside as he finally reached the chain link fence, jumping onto it to initiate a decent head start on the climb, his hands gripping the barbed wire drawing blood, he screamed in pain as he kept grabbing for more barbed wire, as he moves over, finally able to vault the wire, it had sliced into his flesh, staining the ground with blood. Gunshots could be heard behind him before he could realize he'd been hit, but he stood, testing his endurance by continuing his run, the sound of hounds soon following him.

He had traveled about 5 miles, hounds still hot on his tail before he could find an old shanty, Theo kicked the door in as an old man fell out of his chair, dead from shock, Theo had quickly grabbed a change of clothes, using a knife to cut the jumpsuit off, he then ran out the back door of the shack, slipping in the snow before quickly getting back up and traveling through a frozen river, where he lost the dogs, he had finally made it to an interstate, where several brahmin and merchants stood, he had traded what little he had other than the clothes on the back to patch him up, however hypothermia, mixed with radiation, had set in, his vision blurring as he had just left a snowy area of Detroit, to find ground and slush. Theo had stumbled to a fire as he slowly began to lose his mind again, lying down, as people stared at him oddly, but didn't pay much mind, he proceeded to cut off the wet legs of his pants, which was basic wasteland survival in Michigan, however he soon stumbled to the ground, as his knife was stolen, he didn't seem to care however, he just wanted sleep.