Deus Ex


First time out of the vault
I finally got around to playing it even though I bought it 2 years ago. This game is f**king awesome! The beginning is lame and boring but it gets better and better.
Deus Ex is one of my favorite games of all times! One advice, Vikingsoldat. Don't play Deus Ex quickly. Play it slowly and enjoy every minute of it, because once you are done with it, you'll just crave for more.
I'm ambivalent about the game, it's mission based structure is a turn-off for me and the roleplaying is shallow to say the least. Still, it's a fairly enjoyable game.
i liked the beginning the best. I thought hells kitchen was the funnest place to play. I almost shit a brick when i discovered those Majestic 13 guys in the sewers.
When I bought my computer, Giants Citizen Kabuto and Deus Ex were part of the bonus software package, but I never played them.

Can anybody give me a rundown on what the game is about? I was under the impression that it was a Diablo clone.
OSRP - you ever play System Shock 1 or 2? its kind of like that only a different setting. A hybrid of FFP and RPG. Good Graphics, Story, Gameplay. An all around fun game.
DX is one of my all time favorites. The role playing is fairly shallow, but you do get to make your own decisions and those decisions do change how other parts of the game are played. A good tip for veterans and noobies to the game, is read everything you find and talk to everyone to get everything out of them that you can, even the people that just say stuff and you dont actually go into conversation, you learn a whole lot more about the atmosphere and plot that way... god, i CAN'T WAIT for Invisible War(DX2)...

and yeah, if you've played System Shock1/2, its the same kind of game. the atomosphere in SS is amazing, but DXs plot is way crazy good, IMO. conspiracy is just my thing i guess.

oh yeah, one more thing... DEFFINENTLY not a Diablo clone... totally different kind of game.
Yeah, the plot, setting and atmosphere of Deus Ex are among the greatest in history of gaming. The game is slow and needs to be played carefully. If you are looking for an action shooter, Deus Ex isn't your game. Every few minutes you discover something new, encounter someone interesting, there are constant plot turns and there's this overall feeling that whole world is out to get you and you have nowhere to hide. You can't trust anyone. The moment when gameplay gets slow and relaxed, without too much action and excitement, that's when you should be ready for your own funeral. For example, a quiet stroll through Hong Kong at night and a harmless visit to a beautiful Chinese actress who claims to be a friend of your brother could turn into a nightmare when you discover that... oh, no, I won't spoil the surprise for you. Have fun.
Be sure to explore every part of the maps. There's some cool encounters. And (especially in Hong Kong) there are some really good items hidden away.