Difficulty Mod


Vault Senior Citizen
wrote an sfall mod for practical any version/mod of fallout 2

this mod does not alter any critter script,on map load it will scan critters on the map.

First game load after this mod is installed(and new games) an item will be given the player,this item allows changing of what bonuses are given to the critters,to disable any,simply set those variables to 0.


edit : thanks to timeslip this is now universal for practical any mod/version of fallout 2,redownload if you are using this mod,timeslip eliminated the lag this mod caused

edit : now fully heals all critters that are not the player or party members when not in combat(fixed bug that player was constantly being healed when not in combat)

edit : fixed missing dialog for the mod options item(doh!)

edit : added bypass armor percent

edit : added critical damage multipled by percent

edit : mod curently modifies
hit points
action points
to hit
minimum damage(for all skills)
maximum damage(for all skills)
unlimited ammo for enemies
damage resistance
damage threshold
critical percent
knockdown percent
bypass armor percent
critical damage multipled
heals all enemy critters when not in combat,also heal injured limbs when not in combat
attacker vrs target facing,bonuses static in Damage.ini,affects tohit and min/max damage
currently modifies:
hit points
action points
melee damage
ranged damage(it is buggy as hell tho,the function critter_add_trait rarely works for critters other then dude_obj,or at least for me)
armor points
resistance points(modifies all types)
threshold points(modifies all types)
critical chance

for me at least,makes replay value a lot higher

edit : forgot to hit,that is also modified
I think that a best thing of increasing diffculty would be decreasing all the experience point rewards two or more times.
your right,i like my mods though,i dont wanta play without them,difficuly mod is an effort to balance the game with my mods

but if all you want is lower exp,put this in an sfall script named GL_Whatever
procedure start;

procedure start begin
        if(game_loaded) then begin

set 50 to whatever is desired for total exp gained,50% now,have fun!

Nirran said:
but if all you want is lower exp,put this in an sfall script named GL_Whatever
Or even better,
procedure start;

procedure start begin
No point in wasting processing power repeating the script when it's just making a single change.
this mod now also has a setting that makes enemy critters have unlimited ammunition

edit : only works weapons that have a mag that hold more then 1 shot or burst(in the case of burst only weapons)

Does applying a global +HP mod screw with any of the scripted death / damage taking sequences?
nope,been playing with it installed for months,animations work fine

edit : to enable critter facing bonuses and penalties has been moved and is no longer an aspect of this mod,now it resides in Damage.ini(all the settings for it) this affects 2 scripts and one ini file,hs_combatdamage,hs_tohit and Damage.ini,they are found in Custom Perks,Party Perks and Scaled Difficulty,seemed like a good idea to me,can have the benefits from this code without the mod,simply use those 3 files
