Disabilities and Anthropology


Antediluvian as Feck
Okay dude(tte)s, here's the deal.

This is my last week of classes for the term. That also means that all the final assignments of the term are due this week.

I have almost everything under control, except for one thing: I need help finding some good online academic articles on Disabilities and Anthropology. Basically I'm trying to do a research paper on Disabilities and using anthropology to explain how others percieve disabled persons, common experiences of disabled persons, etc. In other words, if it's a scholarly journal/article on Disabilities in ANY FIELD, just post me the link or info here please.

It's either you can help me find some good information or I'll be forced to ask for another banning until the weekend. And you know you don't want to see me go.
Well Oz, I am not sure what you are looking for really, but i know some folks have written a lot about the inclusion of students with disabilities in classrooms and the perceptions on that from students, teachers and parents. I come to it more as a policy issue than an anthropological, but there may be relationships.
It's good enough dammit.

I talked to my prof, and she said if there's not enough anthropological literature on the subject, I can always turn to sociology other fields for sources. Since I have enough "participant" observations and experiences in the "field," I'm allowed a little bit more leeway when it comes to what I'm using to make my point (whatever it'll be).

Basically I'm looking for online scholarly journals/papers/articles on Disabilities.
PSU has access to online databases that might interest you:


Problem is, you won't be able to access them without your own campus network access. And no, you aren't getting mine!

hmm...I'm assuming you're trying this from a campus network, yes?

Well, the first is described as:
Health and Safety Science Abstracts
This database provides a comprehensive, timely survey of recent work relating to public health, safety, and industrial hygiene.
Coverage: 1981-date

The second is:
Anthropological Literature
Anthropological Literature is the most comprehensive international resource for the fields of anthropology, archaeology, and related interdisciplinary research. Produced by Harvard University's Tozzer Library, one of the world's foremost anthropology libraries, Anthropological Literature indexes entries at least two pages long in 900 journals and monographic series. These include articles, reports, commentaries and obituaries. Anthropological Literarure online now covers articles published from the late 19th century to present, including the complete contenes of Anthropological Literature: An Index to Periodical Articles and Essays. Englich language, plus Germanic, Romance, Scandinavian, and Slavic languages. Updated quarterly. Coverage: indexes articles and book references.

Journals I found include:
Disability and Society
Disability, Culture & Education
Journal of Disability Policy Studies

All these journals are hosted by either EBSCOhost or Sciquest. I hope you have access, as you cannot view any of this without a login (which btw, costs mad $) :cry:

But, in the turkey day spirit of things, if you need access and cannot find any other way, I may be able to help. Let me know by pm, etc, if you need it. 8)

You are GODD! :P

Thanks for the listings. McMaster U. has a pretty extensive list of journals itself, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to find those on my own proxy access here.

OZ- I am doing a quick search on Infotrac and it's coming with some articles on a search "disabilities and children" . If you are going to go on line, you might want to search through the ERIC databases.

But these are all databases that your U has to subscribe to.
ERIC? :eyebrow:

Hey, disabilities and children would be a good resource for me to have. Please post the link for that. And if I won't be able to see that with my proxy, then how about you e-mail me a copy of it? Unless, of course, it's illegal or whatever.
Ozrat said:
ERIC? :eyebrow:

Hey, disabilities and children would be a good resource for me to have. Please post the link for that. And if I won't be able to see that with my proxy, then how about you e-mail me a copy of it? Unless, of course, it's illegal or whatever.

Yes, ERIC comes in a number of forms, some you have to get a subscription for, some are just plain web based.

Here goes.





Not sure if all of these will work for ya.

But simply searches try infotrac. I usually like www.jstor.org

good luck
Honestly, using the unversity subscription to ERIC, through OVID, is probably much easier.

Quick searching using
exp Cultural Awareness/ and exp Anthropology/ and exp Disabilities/ and exp Cultural Differences/

led to this-

1. Hendryx-Bedalov, Patricia M. Ethnography: An Introduction to Method and Application. [INFORMATION ANALYSES (State-of-the-Art Papers, Research Summaries, Reviews of the Literature on a Topic). JOURNAL ARTICLES] Journal of Children's Communication Development. v20 n1 p19-25 Fall 1998.
AN: EJ593168

2. Luera, Margarita. Understanding Family Uniqueness through Cultural Diversity. Project Ta-kos. 333 p. 1994 [GUIDES - Classroom Use - Teaching Guides (For Teacher)]
AN: ED379839

• •
3. Harry, Beth. An Ethnographic Study of Cross-Cultural Communication with Puerto Rican-American Families in the Special Education System. [JOURNAL ARTICLES. REPORTS - Research/Technical] American Educational Research Journal. v29 n3 p471-94 Fall 1992.
AN: EJ453786

• •
You too have work to do, Ozzie? Serve us right for letting the work catch up with us and crush us underneath its unforgiving feet, no? I'm going off-topic here, but this seemed like a nice thread to whine and bitch about how nasty the next few weeks will be for me. I won't be coming as often as I usually do, and I'll probably be stuck as #4 poster of NMA for the rest of my sorry life, but what the heck, school is more important than NMA... is it?

Anyway, see ya around and good luck with your assignments.

P.S. You have anthropology on 2nd year of college? Dude...