First time out of the vault

Played new vegas 4-5 times through and increasingly, im refining a concept in my mind. I role play it within the game. Being post-human, evolving into something more, a mutant? no! maybe a little but more! a catipiller becoming a butterfly. a egg becoming a dragon. It all started when I discovered Rad-child. I now spend most every play through at deadly rad level.
Not to mention the implants! They further empower my transformation! with monocyte breeder, rad child, solar power I regenerate 10HP a second!
2 Friend of the night
4 Rad Child
6 Toughness
8 Toughness
10 Night Person
12 Nerd Rage
14 Chemist
16 stonewall
18 adimantium
20 solar powered
22 atomic
24 In Shinning Armour
26 eye for eye
30 implant GRX
anybody else do this? or have any idea how to reform my build?
Not to mention the implants! They further empower my transformation! with monocyte breeder, rad child, solar power I regenerate 10HP a second!
2 Friend of the night
4 Rad Child
6 Toughness
8 Toughness
10 Night Person
12 Nerd Rage
14 Chemist
16 stonewall
18 adimantium
20 solar powered
22 atomic
24 In Shinning Armour
26 eye for eye
30 implant GRX
anybody else do this? or have any idea how to reform my build?