Do Travelling Caravans Actually Respawn?


Wept for Zion
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I've looked on other websites and gotten conflicting results. In New Vegas, there's 5 or 6 travelling caravans. The Legion, Powder Gangers, and Fiends are all hostile to them on sight.

I was wandering the road from Cottonwood Cove to Nipton in order to meet Vulpes (I had an Alternate Start mod that put me near CC) and my character in this run is strictly Legion. Specifically a Legion scout. He happened across a band of Legion soldiers attacking a caravan, but suddenly 4 NCR soldiers came up from over the hill and killed them all. My Legion character, wanting revenge, waited until the caravan was far enough away, lobbed a grenade at the NCR patrol, and managed to kill them with a service rifle he'd stolen from the NCR group near Searchlight.

Now, however, he would probably want to kill the caravan as well, seeing as they also opened fire on his Legion friends. He has enough grenades from the NCR's corpses to make them into mince meat, but do these caravans respawn? Will I be screwing myself out of a potential merchant if I kill the caravan? I've read online that killing enough people results in the game spawning new caravans, but I've also read they do not respawn. Does anyone have an actual definitive answer? I don't want to go raiding caravans if they don't respawn, there's only 5 of them in the whole game after all.
Yes, they do. Check the stock of one, then kill it and wait a few days (indoors), find another caravan and chances are you'll find it has the same stock, because they're all spawned from a default pool of around four that draw from the same containers etc.