Do you miss.......


First time out of the vault
It's probably just me, but does anyone else miss collecting the bobbleheads? I spent hours on fallout 3 looking for them just to find new locations to travel too and stuff, and there as more to it, but I haven't found anything like that in this one.

You can collect snow globes, but they are not enchanted (lol), you can sale them for a pretty sum of bottle caps though. Not sure who, but a guy in New Vegas will buy them for something like 2000 bottlecaps.
Ok cool I haven's seen any of them yet, but you have cheered me up now lol, I love collecting stuff when it's worth while, and when you can sell them for approx 2000 caps I think it's worthwhile lol
There's the 7 or so snowglobes you can collect for Mr. House. Other than the caps, if you collect them there is an achievement. Outside that, there's really no need to get them. They display in your presidential suite at the Lucky 38, if that floats your boat.