Does anyone know how to open up the port for Warcraft 3?

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First time out of the vault shit father decided to fuck arround with my modem, and here I do I open the port so I can host games.
Its a D-Link DI-624
Can anyone like sum this up for me cuz im a moron :lol:

I did this before, but now i forgot what the hell i did
Wait, correct me if I'm wrong, but are you just asking us to read the entire manual for you and then tell you exactly what to do?
Because it sure seems like that. Go read the manual and try spending some time on researching it yourself instead of asking us to spend our time on it.
Well i figured it out, but when it asks me for password and username, I enter admin and leave password blank like I saw somewhere..but nothing happens
Well maybe that's because the admin password isn't blank but something else.
I looked up for a guide and it told me that it was blank..anyways im waiting for my dad to come home, but i doubt that will do anything cuz he told me he doesnt know...
Yes, which would imply that someone had changed it. Duh.
And if you had looked in the guide, I'm sure you would've noticed a 'hard reset' option somewhere. Why not try that, eh?
killaer said:
Fixed it all up, god damn dad fixed the password to something else *sigh*

Yes, what a fool he is for trying to make your network more secure. I say we shoot him before he does any more such radical maneuvers. :roll: :roll:
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