Does Fallout 2 use stereo sound?
This question may seem odd, but right now I only have mono
I want to play F2, but I don't want to miss anything that stereo could enable. I have played Fallout 2 a few times (got far every time and then lost my saves or something else happened and had to start over!) and I don't remember any stereo effects, but then maybe it was just natural.
I sure don't have any way to check now
This question may seem odd, but right now I only have mono
I want to play F2, but I don't want to miss anything that stereo could enable. I have played Fallout 2 a few times (got far every time and then lost my saves or something else happened and had to start over!) and I don't remember any stereo effects, but then maybe it was just natural.
I sure don't have any way to check now