Does weapon skill affect weapon damage?

Tokk said:
If i put points into guns, do guns then do more damage, outside of vats?
Strength and skill requirements both ensure that you are attacking with your weapon at full accuracy and rate of fire.

Combat skill levels also increase the amount of damage your weapon does; the only SPECIAL stat that directly increases damage is Strength for the sake of bonus melee and unarmed damage.

VATS or no-VATS doesn't matter.

I hope this answers everything. Most of this is on the Vault wiki page.
Tokk said:
So higher skill increases damage? Thanks.
I didn't mean to be verbose for the sake of being verbose. However, if you were unsure of something such as whether damage is tied to a skill, an idea from Fallout 3 (whereas FO1/2 were focused on accuracy), chances are you would also be unsure of what exactly the Strength and skill requirements for a weapon mean, ideas new to FNV.

I listed everything so you wouldn't have to wait for another post to answer another question you might have had about the Strength/skill requirements.