Dogmeat guide F1


First time out of the vault

I was searching the forums for a guide to keeping dogmeat alive in F1, but can't find it. I remember reading one about a year ago, lost my bookmarks and now am trying to find it again :]

I'm having trouble keeping dogmeat alive atm, in the Cathedral. The robots are tearing him to shreds :[ Any tips to give, is there a way to just lock him in a damn room?
Steve Metzler's guide has a little bit on this, I think. This is from my own guide:

Many have dedicated themselves to keeping Dogmeat alive throughout the entire game, notably using the yellow forcefields to trap him in the Military Base. Joshua Jansen points out that Dogmeat, being a dog, cannot open doors, which can be used as a general method of keeping him safe: "Find yourself a safe point for Dogmeat, in a side room, a corridor with doors, or even inside an elevator, and simply trap him inside by closing the door on him. For the final bunkers at the Military Base and the Cathedral, you have the luxury of having high-tech vault lifts on every level. As soon as he's in, enter combat. Use your Action Points to close the door with him inside, then exit combat, and presto, you have a kennel. Concerning lifts close to red forcefields, it's more a matter of luck as to if Dogmeat will be smart enough to walk into the lift before killing himself with the field."