Why can dogs even select skills like "Small Guns"?
They can only carry one item and can't even use it.
For that matter, why is their perception so high? =( Just for faster sequence?
Or do dogs have some sort of super-secret Canine Uber-gun that they can get? LOL
Dogs are a strange character to create.
To be realistic, if I make one I set his tags to Unarmed, Sneak, and Outdoorsman. Of course, you could make a "sniffer" instead if you picked Traps instead of Outdoorsman or Sneak...the dog would always be "sniffing" out the traps, but being a dog he obviously couldn't disarm them (er...right? Haven't tried, actually...).
Bruiser and Small Frame are good for dogs...crank AG and ST up to the max, lower CH and IN to 1, drop PE to 4 (pff, like the dog needs ranged weapon ability), LK to 4, and raise EN with the remaining points.
They can only carry one item and can't even use it.
For that matter, why is their perception so high? =( Just for faster sequence?
Or do dogs have some sort of super-secret Canine Uber-gun that they can get? LOL
Dogs are a strange character to create.
To be realistic, if I make one I set his tags to Unarmed, Sneak, and Outdoorsman. Of course, you could make a "sniffer" instead if you picked Traps instead of Outdoorsman or Sneak...the dog would always be "sniffing" out the traps, but being a dog he obviously couldn't disarm them (er...right? Haven't tried, actually...).
Bruiser and Small Frame are good for dogs...crank AG and ST up to the max, lower CH and IN to 1, drop PE to 4 (pff, like the dog needs ranged weapon ability), LK to 4, and raise EN with the remaining points.