>couple of words for ya pal...FALLOUT
>heard me..thats what i wanna
>see,,,,,,go ahead call me totally
>insane but admit it would
>be cool to wander the
>streets of new reno able
>to pickpocket other players..
Or rather there's nobody in New Reno because some PK killed everyone in it. There will be no pimps, no prostitutes, no casino businesses, no drug sellers or anything. There will be human players and all those players will want to do is kill stuff (that's the point of an online game). You'd be lucky if you got in range to pickpocket someone if they're any level higher than a newbie, either that or in your "clan."
>k...i just realized this had been
>sugessted before and...well..hated..so just so
>you dont get the wrong
>impression about what type of
>forum..poster..ill be id like to
>add that while it has
>many downsides there are some
>good points to it...i dont
>fully agree with it myself
>i only think its a
>nice idea that COULD work..
Work in what way? Would it be anything more than UO with guns? I don't think so.
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