Doom 1&2 MP

Lost Metal

Olde Skull
There's a possibility I am just pouring gasoline all over myself, and asking to be set on fire (flamed) by posting this... but I wasn't sure if anyones brought this up before.

Multiplayer add-on for Doom 1&2.

It's not so much the Deathmatch that interests me, in fact it doesn't, at all. It is the co-op mode that looks damn cool :twisted:

You and 3 friends can go through the classic Doom & Doom 2 Campaign together.

I sooooo wanted to try this... but for fucks sake I gave away my copies of Doom 1&2 a long time ago. :oops:

If anyone on this forum owns Doom 1 or 2, or both. Please give this add-on a try for me and let me know the pros&cons.

If it totally rocks, I'll order a copy of Doom 1&2 off of amazon.
Why would anyone flame you for playing Doom1&2?

I'm guessing everyone over 20 here spent hours of his life playing it...



Hehe...nothing wrong for admiring a FPS for what it is. And DOOM was one of the better ones, down to the level design, in ways that make its current incarnation of DOOM3 "Modern Industry Standard".

"Looks great, plays like shit."

I could certainly appreciate this, much like System Shock 2 multiplayer games.

As for the source code, the source for the early DOOM/Heretic series games were released to open source, hence all the modernizing engines and source ports running around.

Have fun checking those out as well. :D

Edit: Also have fun with this critter as well. DOOM Roguelike is pretty sweet for anyone who has played both DOOM and Rogue, and just wished they could unload a shotgun into an annoying k.
Which reminds me. Q1 rocked.

Except those wailing spiders that shot weird homing star... missile thingies at you. That was annoying.

But when you blasted them, they made a cool gurgling sound out of the wail. Something along the lines of WHRLUIIII-uuuauoaurl.

Or something.
From the Doom readme:

There are two ways to play multiplayer--DeathMatch and
Cooperative. In Cooperative mode the players work together.
In DeathMatch mode your mission is to kill everything that
moves, including your buddies. You can choose which mode you
wish to play from the SETUP application. The differences
between Cooperative and DeathMatch mode are as follows:

WHERE YOU START: In Cooperative mode each player begins in
the same area. In DeathMatch mode the players begin in
completely different areas--if you want to see your buddy
you'll need to hunt him down. Plus, each time you die,
you'll restart in one of several random locations.

KEYS: Unlike in single-player or Cooperative mode gameplay,
in DeathMatch mode the players start each location with the
keys necessary for opening any locked door in that area.

STATUS BAR: In DeathMatch mode the ARMS section on the
status bar is replaced with "FRAG." The FRAG section
displays the number of times you've killed your opponents.

AUTOMAP: In Cooperative mode the Automap works the same way
it does in single-player mode. Each player is represented by
a different color arrow. In DeathMatch mode you won't
receive the pleasure of seeing your opponents on the map.
Just like the monsters, your friends could be just around
the corner, and you won't know until you face them.

SPY MODE: If you're playing in Cooperative mode, press F12
to toggle through the other players' viewpoint(s). Press any
other key to return to your view. You still retain your own
status bar at the bottom, and if your view reddens from pain
it is YOU, not your partner, who has been hit.

INTERMISSION SCREENS: In both Cooperative and DeathMatch
mode the intermission screen tallies your achievement. In
Cooperative mode the intermission screen lists the
achievements for all players in the game. In DeathMatch mode
the intermission provides a death count on everyone, letting
you know who killed whom.

In other words, it was implemented in the game upon release back in December 1993.
The Commissar said:
Roshambo said:
Also have fun with this critter as well. DOOM Roguelike is pretty sweet for anyone who has played both DOOM and Rogue, and just wished they could unload a shotgun into an annoying k.

Thats actually my favorite roguelike I've played in recent years. Its amazing how perfectly they managed to capture the essence of both games.

I always wondered, wether a FalloutRL would achieve equal popularity ;-).
TheWesDude said:
have you all forgotten about kali ???


