Doubt about Halo 1 patching


Ahoy, ye salty dogs!
See, I got this game Halo: Combat Evolved today, and there is a patch 1.08. I did read it needs 1.07 to work, so the doubt: is the 1.07 enough?

In other words, by installing patch 1.07, all content and fixes from previous patches will be applied? Or do I need to download every patch from 1.01 to 1.06? (I already downloaded 1.07 and 1.08)
Generally, each new patch will contain all the fixes and changes of the previous patches. It'd be kind of silly to require that people download 7 or 8 or 20 patches and install them each one by one. But, it won't hurt to double check. Lemme see...

Here we go. After a quick google search, I found this page. If you have version 1.05, then a compatibility problem with the auto patcher means you need to manually download the latest patch and install it (instructions on how to do so are provided on that page). Otherwise, you should be able to simply run the game and, I assume, upon trying to connect to multiplayer, the latest updates will be downloaded and installed for you.
I did read this page you linked, but did not understand very well upon reading. Rest assured that I google stuff before asking questions. :wink:

But thanks for the kindness, mildly dipped friend. :ok:

Nexus6 said:
Dude, I don't know. Does it say? It should say.

The patches come w/o read me file :?