Dreams of Handcannons


Vault Dweller

A fairly quick sketch I did the other day and cleaned up in Paint Shop Pro. This is what I would want to be carrying in the Wastes. A truly unique and custom arm with ported barrels (you'll need 'em).

Plus, think about it, it's slimmer than your standard double-barrel handcannon so it'll fit under your leather armor better. 8)

Anyone else have drawings or images they've made of handcannons or shotguns?
Wouldn't the recoil from such a weapon slam your finger right into the next trigger, after firing such a powerful cartridge?
Wooz said:
Wouldn't the recoil from such a weapon slam your finger right into the next trigger, after firing such a powerful cartridge?

Well, your fingers aren't what's recoiliing. Say you fire the top barrel first (first trigger) and the gun is recoiling. Your ingers aren't being pushed onto the triggers by anything. They're only held against the triggers by the muscles in them. There is the possiblity that you could fire fire both shells accidentally but something like this would be for no novice. You'd need to practice with it a lot. I drew this as kind of a farce. I know it's not a realistic weapon because of the recoil and weight really but people seem to like it for the "cool" factor. Mad Max had one after all. ;)

Bah, forgot to add in my first post:

This gun was drawn for a comic I might start drawing. Post-apocalyptic of course, sort of set in the Fallout universe but I don't plan on sticking to it strictly.
Nice design, I likey . . Tho, the recoil would be insane. You´ve ever fired a normal shotgun? The recoil is very high, even when it´s held against one´s shoulder . . now, to imagine what it´d be like to receive that sort of recoil without your body weight taking much of it . .
I know that the recoil would be horrendous but this isn't meant to be a practical weapon at all. The only thing it would be good for would be up close and personal and then it would be better to have a handgun. It's just a drawing! Haven't you seen the Mad Max movies? :P
Looks alot like Deckard's pistol.

Aaaaanyways, people seem to have some misconceptions over the dual-trigger thangy. Deckard's blaster prop was bastardized from an actual Mannlicher rifle with dual triggers. In real life, the rear trigger is meant to make the front trigger break more cleanly and reduce the trigger pull. You first sight down the rifle, engage the rear trigger, and then your front trigger will perform like a hair-trigger.

A vertical stacked shotgun, or under/over design, would traditionally have one trigger. The first pull would engage the top hammer whilst the second pull would engage the bottom hammer, meaning two fast consecutive shots since the action doesn't have to repeat or cycle.

But I dig the pic.
I unfortunately don't know all that much about hunting shotguns because it seems everyone just assumes everyone else knows about them. That and Internet gaming freaks usually aren't interested in them. I am. On this I meant it to be so that you could fire either barrel without having to fire the first. So if you had a slug loaded into the bottom barrel and shot in the top, you wouldn't have to first fire the shot and then the slug. I usually put much, much more thought into my designs then this but like I said, a farce. :)
I thought you guys might like to see this. It's an old drawing of mine as you can tell by the date but I redid it in Paint Shop Pro. Tweaked some things on it and made it look cleaner. And yes I know about the gas problem on most revolvers. ;) I'm working on another revolver right now that's more conventional so I might start a thread when that's done for revolvers. More people need to draw.

lol that gun looks like one of those ancient revolvers

man it's ugly! (noi though :P)
About the hand cannon.
You can hold it with to hands du to the cover(?) on the barrels, so i guess can fire it without trashing your wrist.

And the revolver thingy, i dont like revolvers and especially not ugly ones.

But I like your drawings colt.
Thanks Smaug. :)

I can't say that I've ever seen revolvers liek those unless you're talking about really ancient ones, like the kind that tried to use pan and powder... I know there were some needle-fire revolvers made that looked somewhat like that ... I'd have to check.
I'll get on it Phil, you want it in .357 Magnum or .454 Casull?

If you think that thing looks like a Desert Eagle... ;)
Alright... Got annoyed enough with the bad design and general blandness of the Mk.2 so I made this baby, spent much more time on it... And Phil, you'll have to custom order the .50 AE version. Tough luck.

Well in all actuality,the "Hand Cannon" would work firing shotgun shells if the size were say, a 412 or a 410,although small they do make that size shell with a slug,which will go through cinderblock,cars...and people go without saying,so I like it,and im all for something that is anti-personnel as well as anti-transport.good job.