Dreams suck:(


Vault Senior Citizen
I recently had a dream, but let me back up.

My cousin is 2 years old. I babysit him occasionally, and he has become like a son to me. I love him very much.

In my dream, im on my computer doing notepad shit or something, and then my cousin crawls through the doggie door in my room. I suddenly pick him up and slam him face first into the hard wood floor, and I remember that my first thought after I did this is "I hope I dont get caught" when in real life my reactioun would have been "HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST DO *cries*"

Why would I have a dream like this? does it mean that I subconsiously want to kill him? am I evil?
Yes, you're a very evil person and you have no choice but to embrace your true nature. I highly suggest you follow through on the dream.
I wish I had a dream like that... Goddamn my little cousin is annoying. Always stealing my cigarettes...
You should smash his face into the hardwood floor jeebs... I mean, if Xavier can do it, why not you?
Maybe you feel that in some way your cousin has deprived you of something, love, attention, something...
Dreams are wish fulfilment, in a dream you are the director, you make things happen, they don't just show up out of the blue.
Just pray you don't go berserk while you are babysitting..... :roll:
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
Dreams are wish fulfilment, in a dream you are the director, you make things happen

Bollocks. Most people usually don't have control over their dreams.
visit cad-comic.com, at least you'll see you'r not hte only crazy freak in the world)
Rat's Bullocks. People's subconsious don't even control dreams. They're random impulses inside the brain that your subconsious is trying to interperet.
Why would you have a recurring falling dream if it was even subconsious?

Note: I'm not implying that I have anything to back my statement up, or that I'm educated on the subject in any way, shape, or form.

EDIT: Crap. I said "rat's bullocks" in a manner directly implying that they are inferior. Ratty's gonna come here with a vengeance, arguing that the bullocks of a rat are far superior to any other's especially dogs' and humans'.
Dreams say much... and sometimes mean nothing. Perhaps it is a fear you have of harming your cousin that manifested itself as that nightmare.

Happens the best of us...
Malky has a point there, actually. If you dreamt doing something really brutal and evil, then you are really brutal and evil. There is no sense fighting it. Dreams never lie.

What you must do now is apply for membership at your local branch of the Sith. Don't be afraid of embracing the dark side. It is your destiny.

KillaKilla said:
Crap. I said "rat's bullocks" in a manner directly implying that they are inferior. Ratty's gonna come here with a vengeance, arguing that the bullocks of a rat are far superior to any other's especially dogs' and humans'.

What makes you think I care?
It doesn't mean YOU are evil, it means that your subconsious knows that your cousin is evil and is trying to convince you to doing the right thing.
Freud would suggest that you want to tickle your cousins bunghole, have sex with your grandmothers former penpal and kill your dog while having sex with it.
DJ Slamák said:
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
Dreams are wish fulfilment, in a dream you are the director, you make things happen

Bollocks. Most people usually don't have control over their dreams.

I've had control over my dreams, and quite frequently.

Lately I've been having weird ones. The ones I can remember usually involve swords.
Quite basically, it means that there will be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine.
I think there will be seven years in which Xavierblazer kills babies followed by seven years in which he does not. After that my vision is clouded.
I had a dream I was going to be crowned the Kind of Scotland because my uncle was dying, but a guy from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells tried to assasinate me with a mini-pez despenser.
Carib FMJ said:
Dreams say much... and sometimes mean nothing. Perhaps it is a fear you have of harming your cousin that manifested itself as that nightmare.

Happens the best of us...

Of all the answers in here this seems most logical. His mother has had many bad things happen in her life(first child died in womb for example) and im always afraid that one accident could cause him to die and cause another great pain to her.

I dont understand my whole additude about it throughout the dream though. Maybe my mind was projecting a different personality onto me for some reason.

Or perhaps I am psycho.
Per's prediction seems the most plausable one to me...

well, get to it xavier, you got 7 years of babies to work through.