Dress up Jesus

>It's funny

Yes, yes it is. That's great.

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
Just like KISS dolls (Err... if you want to know, ask).

Every time I have loaded the page, I get a different selection of clothing to dress up "Jesus" in. I whole new line of Jesuses.

Ghetto Jesus -Complete with Afro.
Devil Jesus -Complete with tail.
Hail to the King Jesus -Uh'huh
Hula Girl Jesus -Don't look under those coconuts.

Collect them all!

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." - Robert Goddard
I find that offensive, wait, no, nevermind.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-26-02 AT 04:35AM (GMT)[p]Actually, it's pretty damn funny. And Kotario, I want to know and I'm asking.