DS purchase


Antediluvian as Feck
I'm extremely tempted to go buy a Nintendo DS in a couple of days, as I might not have access to my PC or Xbox anymore, and because it's pretty cheap (new portable console in the way already). I have the option of getting a gamecube (it's actually cheaper) but I've decided against it since I won't have a TV anymore.

But the question is: what games should I get? I think I'll wait a little for prices to drop before I get DS games (such as Trauma Center when it finally comes out in Yurop, and maybe that lawyer game if it's good. I wish they would make a biological research game).

So, in the meanwhile, I'll probably pick up some GBA games, since they're compatible. I'm mostly looking for games that last a long time, and require you to think rather than button smash. I'm considering Advance wars. Any GBA/DS players here who can help me out?
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. That game goes on forever and is a little funner than the original FFT. The 'rule' system gets a little annoying later on into the game.

All the Legend of Zelda games for GB and GBA are pretty good if you can get them and last for a long time, almost on par with Link to the Past.

I've heard the Metroid games for GBA are pretty good too, though I wouldn't know since I got screwed over on ebay. I wish I didn't find out about the shadiness of sellers in Hong Kong the hard way. :(
I don't think the DS can play GB games, only GBA.

And Hong kong? What the hell? I saw new DS systems sold from Hong Kong on ebay that cost like $39.99. A little suspicious. So, hehe, what did you get?
Metroid Fusion and Metroid Zero Mission. Long story short, after three months and repeated emails back and forth with him asking me to be patient and ignoring my request for a refund I left a negative feedback, which of course using ebay's fantastic 'last word' system he left a comment on saying I was unreasonable and a liar. Awesome! Afterwards I started noticing on various forums about all the scams going on in Hong Kong, and how that 99% of games from there are just cheap pirated copies. Ah well, it was only $20 so I don't feel too bad.
Well, I was going to gush about Metroid Fusion and Metroid: Zero Mission, but you say you're not into faster paced games. (it's not really button mashing with them, but you do have to have good reflexes)

Both Advance Wars 2 and Advance Wars: Dual Strike are good choices. Don't bother with the first Advance Wars.
Golden Sun and Golden Sun 2 are good. They are JRPG's, but I enjoyed them even so.
Going to have to disagree with Montez, the rule system completely killed FFTA for me. It's definitely a "love it or hate it" game.
...erm... Fire Emblem is pretty good. So is Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. Can't think of much else than that.
Battles of Prince of Persia!

And of course, games like the Urbz, Sims 2 and ugh... Animal Crossing, will be right up Overseer's ally as well.
I'm getting those later, when the prices are a little lower. For now, I'm getting cheap GBA games.
They are cheap now, at least, where I've seen them. Considering how much you have to pay for good GBA games anyways, they are usually about the same price.

Of course, I have no idea what the prices in Swedistan look like.
final fantasy 4 advance just came out, looks pretty neat. Advance wars games are great, golden sun was interesting though it got boring. The zelda games are also nice.
Get DS games too, they aren`t that expensive, my kid has quite a few.

The wireless really works, it`s really good, almost no lag, fast, it`s a definite plus.
It's true that. So I'll get one DS game and two GBA games (cheap ones). The reason I'm getting a DS now is because the price here has dropped to about $150. The PSP still remains at over $420 (I don't really want it anyway).

I'm not going to bother with mutliplayer games such as Animal Crossing though (where I'm going, there'll be nobody to play with).
Yes, although it seems the PSP has dropped to $310, probably to compete with the lower price of the DS. I don't find $150 to be that expensive.

On amazon.com, the PSP is $250 and the DS is $130. I could get them there, but they'll be more expensive because of the delivery and I would only be able to play American games.

Does anyone know where to get a cheaper European DS than $150?