I'm extremely tempted to go buy a Nintendo DS in a couple of days, as I might not have access to my PC or Xbox anymore, and because it's pretty cheap (new portable console in the way already). I have the option of getting a gamecube (it's actually cheaper) but I've decided against it since I won't have a TV anymore.
But the question is: what games should I get? I think I'll wait a little for prices to drop before I get DS games (such as Trauma Center when it finally comes out in Yurop, and maybe that lawyer game if it's good. I wish they would make a biological research game).
So, in the meanwhile, I'll probably pick up some GBA games, since they're compatible. I'm mostly looking for games that last a long time, and require you to think rather than button smash. I'm considering Advance wars. Any GBA/DS players here who can help me out?
But the question is: what games should I get? I think I'll wait a little for prices to drop before I get DS games (such as Trauma Center when it finally comes out in Yurop, and maybe that lawyer game if it's good. I wish they would make a biological research game).
So, in the meanwhile, I'll probably pick up some GBA games, since they're compatible. I'm mostly looking for games that last a long time, and require you to think rather than button smash. I'm considering Advance wars. Any GBA/DS players here who can help me out?