Duke3D mod/EDuke


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Uh... If BY ANY CHANCE any of you are interested in helping me out with:
1. coding (only if you are VERY GOOD, because I'm not too shaby muself ;-)) in upcoming EDUKE release, or

2.making maps (also only if you are very good), or

3. weapons (immediate openings: plasma rifle and AK-47), or

4. making models of enemies/civilians/mutants, or

4. making city textures, or

5. writing desert-like music,

email me to azat_nugm@hotmail.com I know, I know, it might seem I don't know anything at all if I inquire people from all areas of research, but I just need a team of at least 2 more people if you want to see the final release. No more details, but I plan to turn it into 3D-RPG (with quests and items!) with real-time fights ;-) Let's see when EDuke will come out...

Homepage http://members.xoom.com/russiandude/APTYP.html
My brain says that it's a TC for Duke Nukem 3D based on Fallout.

Is that right?
EDuke is another version of Duke being made by third party based on source code for Duke3D given to them by 3DRealms. It would expand coding ability immensively, for example, let you make unique weapon (chaingun that fires 5000 rounds per second is the simples example). First version will go public this summer - unless 3DRealms will decide some features implemented will violate the agreement.

Yes, it is 'Fallout TC' for Duke3D. I know Duke3D is old, but another company makes glDuke - very little info available, and no info on release date.

Homepage http://members.xoom.com/russiandude/APTYP.html