Irwin John Finster
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

So did any of these games during the boom of early access suvival zombie horror fests actually produce a finished product? I saw a review of 7 Days to Die and am shocked that it's still in EARLY ACCESS ALPHA. Day Z also comes to mind.
I can't think of a single one that actually produced a finished product.
These games seem to have what TotalBiscuit referred to as a "nomadic fanbase" where they come out in early access and have a bunch of people playing it, who then get bored and move on to the next early access crapfest that never finishes, basically buying unfinished games that are abandoned and moving on to newer unfinished survombie games that also never finish.
I can't think of a single one that actually produced a finished product.
These games seem to have what TotalBiscuit referred to as a "nomadic fanbase" where they come out in early access and have a bunch of people playing it, who then get bored and move on to the next early access crapfest that never finishes, basically buying unfinished games that are abandoned and moving on to newer unfinished survombie games that also never finish.