Ebay Auction- 7 foot tall fallout 3 Statue

Khan FurSainty said:
I love the title. Larger than life Fallout 3 statue for real gamers
Does this mean I'm not a real gamer because I don't own a huge Fallout 3 statue? :?
I'd rather jave a huge painting of hitler, stalin and other psychos in my flat then putting this ugly armor on my floor.
I just think you like Hitler. He did have a cute 'stache.

On the topic though, I was amazed at how much people pay for things. It really is eery. The more I see ebay sales into the 1000's of dollars, the more I start to fear ever becoming wealthy.
That was one ugly statue…now if only the original Fallout clay heads were up on Ebay, now that’s when the money will fly…
.Pixote. said:
now if only the original Fallout clay heads were up on Ebay, now that’s when the money will fly…
That would be amazing. I was just thinking the other day if those are still in existence, I'm sure they are, but you never know. Even if they were to go on ebay, Bethesda would take them down like they did with the Vault Boy art.

Oh, look, another one. How many of these were made?
I might have contemplated buying it if it wasn't that crappy T-45d armor they made for FO3.