After taking many strange steps through many strange utilities I've finally gotten Sam and Max's DeSoto in Fallout 2. But this isn't just for me to enjoy, oh no. All may cruise the wastes in Freelance Police style! Download here: http://freewebs.com/scarydog/DeSoto.zip
In the interest of allowing this thread to continue making sense, the problems I used to be having are still contained in this post, below. You can ignore them now. This only applies to this first post, however; I'm still having troubles with FRM Workshop as mentioned in my second post.
I've been trying to change the car in Fallout 2 to Sam and Max's DeSoto. Here are the graphics I made:
Same dimensions and all that as the normal car graphics. Now here are my results:
Very very wrong. Not only does the trunk not match up, but the whole car is off from where it should be on the map - I can't walk where the car should be, but I can walk almost right through the graphic.
So, uh...what's wrong?
After taking many strange steps through many strange utilities I've finally gotten Sam and Max's DeSoto in Fallout 2. But this isn't just for me to enjoy, oh no. All may cruise the wastes in Freelance Police style! Download here: http://freewebs.com/scarydog/DeSoto.zip
In the interest of allowing this thread to continue making sense, the problems I used to be having are still contained in this post, below. You can ignore them now. This only applies to this first post, however; I'm still having troubles with FRM Workshop as mentioned in my second post.
I've been trying to change the car in Fallout 2 to Sam and Max's DeSoto. Here are the graphics I made:
Same dimensions and all that as the normal car graphics. Now here are my results:
Very very wrong. Not only does the trunk not match up, but the whole car is off from where it should be on the map - I can't walk where the car should be, but I can walk almost right through the graphic.
So, uh...what's wrong?