Editing master dat (I'm getting p*ss*d *ff)


First time out of the vault
Well, well, well,

I hope you show mercy and help me, 'cause I've read many tutorials and searched the board for answers but didn't found any.

When I've opened the master.dat through the "datexplorer" and trying to import my changed protos (items and critters) everything is working and the explorer is importing the files into the right directory ... BUT ... the new protos have no effect on the game.

So, is it because the 000000patch overwrites all of my changes or is it because I'm just too dumb to use it correctly ???
Maybe it's just, that the "FIME" editor or the "datexplorer" isn't working well (I don't think so) ?

I'm realy p*ss*d *ff :x and hopefull to get a solution :D

thanx 4 reading
or use patch000.dat and put your changed proto's in that.

I believe fallout reads the master.dat first, then the data folder with proto/items changes (if you have any) and last the patch000.dat file.

I usually just put changed stuff like proto's in the right folder of the data map without using the patch000.dat
Thanx alot

Thank you for your reply,
I've read the "Problems with Fallout2 Mods and patch000.dat" post and now I understand what I was doing wrong :D
I have a question about *.dat too.
I've tried to enter my move (into animation) into the patch000.dat file along with other stuff. And everything works ecsept for my move. It works when in dir.

...and i thougth that dir comes last :)

Hint: Do not import your edits in MASTER or CRITTER dats if you're planing to distribute it.