Editing Protos in the Mapper ?


First time out of the vault

I tried to edit some critters via the mapper, but it keeps saying:
"caanot save prototypes"

What must I do to acompkisg this, or is it possible at all ???
(A step by step guide would be nice....)

personnaly i never use the editor to modify protos (in fact the first protos i modified, i used an hexadecimal editor)

if you want to modify critters you can use F.U.C.K and for items or weapons, fic is quite nice because you can edit the new weapons you create

but i you realy want to use the editor, maybe you should extract all the .pro file in the apropriate directory, that's just an idea
hit my website for a tutorial on setting up for proto editing...

just note that the editor messes up if you try to mess with things like sex, age, stats etc of the critter... it just goes back to a black screen..

so just create the proto you want, and use a third party editor such as F.U.C.K. to change that stuff..

link is in my signature
Didn't you peaople read my keys readme??

To "recorver" from a black screen, go in game mode and back (twice if need as sometimes it is). (ie: press F8 2 to 4 times). Although it's annoying it's almost instanteneous - plus you don't have to quit/relaod the mapper.

Also read the mapper keys to get the info on setting up proto editing.