Editing protos?


First time out of the vault
I'm completely new to Fallout modding,so treat me like a noob :D
How can I edit protos(i.e. item/critters specs)?
I mean,like changing an armor's stats,or changing a critter's appearance...how can I do that?
Don't be lazy, do a search - or just start reading the various modding threads, I recommend starting on page 64... :roll:
Oh come on. We talked so much about proto editing already the whole last month.

You should read all of this and especially this. Then quite a lot of your possible questions should be answered already. It's old information, but most of it is still valid even today. It can at least hint you into the right direction. Fact is, you need to check out Fallout 2s file structure. Extract the master.dat with the DatExplorer and look at what files are there. After this, you'll see what other tools are available and read tutorials, etc.
Don't see this as "why do you dare to ask?!" or such. Asking questions and for help, etc. is totally fine and all, but some information is widely available by now and looking over existing information is often faster than creating a thread + waiting for replies.
Uh...I have a little problem. Following the Coljack's tutorial on editing protos, when I edit the APA so it displays a purple robe frm in game(little stupid thing just to get started) and save it, it saves a .txt file with the data,not a .pro file. And also,it saves it on the I:\fallout2\dev\proto\items folder,not in the FO2 folder(I:\Fallout 2\).
That text file is just a description of the data related to the prototype file, the actual proto file is in the data/proto/critters - folder. Make sure its flagged as read only after you have finished editing it.