Election poll, Oct 4-10th!

Who would you vote for-

  • I'm a US citizen and I vote Kerry.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a US citizen and I either vote Nader or nothin.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a non-citizen, but I would vote Bush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a non-citizen, but I would vote Kerry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a non-citizen and I'm glad I'm not voting.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Half-way Through My Half-life
Its election time here in the US, and everyone at home and abroad seems to have a strong opinion about who they want for president. I am curious to see who NMAers would vote for, and more importantly why or why not? Also, if can vote and are not, why? Note that the why part is very important for the discussion, a simple poll is pretty useless.

I will post a new poll each week through the election November 2nd along with an exit poll, so we can hopefully see changes in public opinion.

For example: 'I think that the war in Iraq was a bad idea, and executed poorly, so I'm voting for so-and-so' is a good response. If your reason is something inane like 'because so-and-so is a fag!' don't waste our time by posting to anything but the poll.

To start off the thread, I plan on voting for John Kerry because I think he is the better candidate. He knows how Washington works, having spent a few decades as a senator. I also appreciate that he can change his mind, reads, and is interested in how things work.

I am also voting for him because he is different from the President. Mid-cycle elections are always votes on the incumbent, and this is no exception. President Bush has let energy companies make environmental law and repealed or stopped many provisions of environmental legislation. He has shown that he prefers to work in secret, beyond public scrutiny. Bush gave tax cuts to the rich, increasing the percent of the federal tax burden on the poor. He has used bills such as No Child Left Behind to whitewash debate about domestic issues-while not funding them-and had the audacity to say they are working well, and all the while more and more children slip into poverty. He has overseen the net loss of millions of American jobs, and millions more losing their health care.

And finally he has pursued an international agenda based on American unilateralism and narrow self interest. He used the attacks of September 11th as a way to abridge constitutional rights, via the Patriot Act and Guantanamo Bay. He invaded a sovereign, if despotic nation under false pretenses, having to lie to his own nation about the threat of weapons of mass destruction to get our assent to his actions. Now he mires us and thousands of servicemen and women in a guerilla war with no end in sight.

So while I do not think John Kerry is the best choice for president, he is far better than the viable alternatives, so I will vote for him in November.
US citizen/ none of those jokers are fit to be head of state, but probably bush because Kerry wants to ban all guns
Warmonger, where did you come up with that idea. Kerry is not anti-gun, he just supports the assault weapons ban.

I vote Kerry because we can't have another four years of Bush.
If I was a US citizen, I would vote for Kerry because I don’t think that the world can survive another four years of bush as a school bully who is trying to police the world.
US Citizen, voting for Kerry for many of the same reasons Murdoch gave, although I do think he is a good choice for president and not just the best alternative. To be honest though, I would have given my vote to anyone who ran against Bush, simply because anyone who would throw away our soldier's lives for something as worthless as overthrowing Saddam Hussein doesn't deserve to have any power whatsoever. How close is Bush to killing as many people as the terrorists did on 9/11, I wonder?
Where is the "I'm American, and I'll vote Nader" and the "I'm not American, and I'd vote Nader" option?

Because that's what I'd do, you know.
welsh said:
Warmonger, where did you come up with that idea. Kerry is not anti-gun, he just supports the assault weapons ban.
Not that there would be anything wrong with Kerry banning all guns. An American is the last person in the world I would give a gun to.
Jebus said:
Where is the "I'm American, and I'll vote Nader" and the "I'm not American, and I'd vote Nader" option?

Because that's what I'd do, you know.

Because there are already six options, and in all likelihood the only candidates a non-citizen knew enough about were Kerry and Bush. Your opinion is noted though. :D
Ratty said:
welsh said:
Warmonger, where did you come up with that idea. Kerry is not anti-gun, he just supports the assault weapons ban.
Not that there would be anything wrong with Kerry banning all guns. An American is the last person in the world I would give a gun to.

yes it would because it would mean the end of kerry. kerry is against all guns that would be valuable in home defence, no shotguns arent the all valuable solution to a home invader. where i live an assult weopon would be ideal for home defence, i have few neighbors and a lot of asshole meth heads wich makes them unpredictable and unstable i would take a few bullets to bring a s o b down who was loaded on meth.
bob_the_rambler said:
where i live an assult weopon would be ideal for home defence, i have few neighbors and a lot of asshole meth heads wich makes them unpredictable and unstable i would take a few bullets to bring a s o b down who was loaded on meth.

You honestly believe that a shotgun wouldn't take down a drug addict? It's pretty hard to rob someone when you have a fist-sized hole in your chest.
bob_the_rambler said:
Ratty said:
welsh said:
Warmonger, where did you come up with that idea. Kerry is not anti-gun, he just supports the assault weapons ban.
Not that there would be anything wrong with Kerry banning all guns. An American is the last person in the world I would give a gun to.

yes it would because it would mean the end of kerry. kerry is against all guns that would be valuable in home defence, no shotguns arent the all valuable solution to a home invader. where i live an assult weopon would be ideal for home defence, i have few neighbors and a lot of asshole meth heads wich makes them unpredictable and unstable i would take a few bullets to bring a s o b down who was loaded on meth.

Bob, not sure where you are getting this.

Kerry is not against all guns. For example, let's say you get attacked my a meth head who is unstable. Kerry would probably say, no to the M-16. But is that a bad thing- the M-16 fires a small bullet, as does the AK-47, and it might maim the bastard, but it might not put him down.

However, you still got your Colt Python .357, or your Desert Eagle which is more useful in the tight confines of your apartment or the hall, and a few shots from that and that fucker is down. Kerry would say, perfectly legal.

So lets say you don't want a pistol that fires a big bullet because you don't want to miss and plug your neighbor in the head cause she's kind of cute. So you go with a 9 mm SIG. Fire a few inches in from the hip and you can shatter that leg, drop him, and then pump his head full of bullets if he comes coming. Kerry says, that's legal.

Ok, give him a blast from your favorite Ithica shotgun- not a problem.

How about you want a carbine version of your favorite deer rifle- well, ok, so you can't go crazy with a 30 round clip that might fill your neighbors with holes, but you can still fire that one off. Did your reallly need the Tec-9 (damn thing is inaccurate as hell). That's legal according to Kerry.

So see, Bob, you still have plenty of viable options for home defense. You just can't get semi-automatic weapons (some which are easy to convert to fully automatic) that are built for war and really good for one thing, the violent overthrow of the government or an act of terrorism. But look at the bright side- neither can the Nazi Party, the KKK or next Branch Davidians. Is that so bad?
*Sigh*, do I have to remind everyone that's shortsighted here that you have a corporate-controlled cowboy dog sitting on your throne right now, and needs to be gotten rid off in a most immediate fashion?

He is most likely to bring forth the end of the world in one way or the other, and if he does, and I survive, I will hunt him down along with his associates, kill them, their wives/husbands, their children, their pets, hell, even their friends, in such a gruesome way that it would make Dr Mengele gasp in shock. For I would have nobody, I mean nobody, ruin my world. :x

No, there's no debate, Bush has to go, one way or the other.