Employees, or no employees.

Pope Viper

This ghoul has seen it all
Those lovable lugs at the Raging Bull Forums ponder the latest missive from Luke Haase, Interplay's PR whore:<blockquote>Yes, Interplay Entertainment will be posting a quarterly report. Should be within a week or so but yes, it could always be delayed. The company does have somewhere between 40 and 70 employees. The company remains behind on payroll. Senior management still very hard at work on a few significant fronts.</blockquote>But this appears to go against information old Luke released within the past two weeks.<blockquote>Most of what you're asking about is hypothetical, and nothing I can really officially comment on. You're right...things are strange with no offices or employees or web site...and clearly things cannot go on like this indefinitely. However, the two recent announcements, along with management's work underway now, provide at least some reason to believe things will
change somewhat soon. The definition of "soon" is what is debatable</blockquote>Well, which is Luke? Are there no employees, or are there 40-70? How are they working, without pay, office space, and who knows what else?

May we live in interesting times...
And how many people that used to work for Iply are still owed money ?

Seank for sure, he mentions it in my interview with him, but how many others ?

Corith, do they owe you any still ?
PsychoSniper said:
hmmmm, I wonder who else they owe.

Well, I heard that Herve volunteered to forgoe his huge salary until the company got back on it's feet, so I guess interplay owes him money too.

Haha, just kidding.
How much does Herve own the rats ?

Rat's with human fetish charge quite a bit ya know, or so Im told......
Montez said:
PsychoSniper said:
hmmmm, I wonder who else they owe.

Well, I heard that Herve volunteered to forgoe his huge salary until the company got back on it's feet, so I guess interplay owes him money too.

Haha, just kidding.

Mwahahahahahaha. You rock Montez.

And how the hell is Luke still getting paid? Did they let him pick up all the pop cans at the old Interplay office or something? Seriously, they can't afford employeees, an office, a website, electricity, health insurance, or any of the basic nesscessities, and yet they still employ a PR department?
Anyway you look at it, Interplay has been fucked into a corner.

I can't believe the level of mismanagement in this thing.
Well, if they ever make a 'worlds stupidist FOOL's' then Herve is a deffinate contender for the #1 spot.
PsychoSniper said:
And how many people that used to work for Iply are still owed money ?

Seank for sure, he mentions it in my interview with him, but how many others ?

Corith, do they owe you any still ?

I'm guessing they still owe 40-70 employees if thats how many they currently "employ"
Well, another "all grey posts are PsychoSniper's" thread. Though it seems to be the case for every other van Buren/IP/Bethesda thread these days.
PsychoSniper said:
And a PR guy that makes Pete Hines look effective, at that.

"It's too early to tell if Interplay is going to surive. We're currently getting a team together for FOOL when we'll begin to consider design issues such as the ones you asked about. And please, no more mail. Every time you open that slot it let's cold air in, and being French, I can't really afford the shrinkage."
IMissLark said:
PsychoSniper said:
And a PR guy that makes Pete Hines look effective, at that.

"It's too early to tell if Interplay is going to surive. We're currently getting a team together for FOOL when we'll begin to consider design issues such as the ones you asked about. And please, no more mail. Every time you open that slot it let's cold air in, and being French, I can't really afford the shrinkage."

I think that joke was a bit off limits. Although I am not exactly francophile, I don't think insults against any nationality are neccessary when it comes to insulting Interplay's recent misadventures.
Ashmo said:
I think that joke was a bit off limits. Although I am not exactly francophile, I don't think insults against any nationality are neccessary when it comes to insulting Interplay's recent misadventures.

It was spot on, but I will say that it was a low blow. :) The French publishers/future publishers are one of the largest problems in the gaming industry. After getting govt. money or elsewise, they'll stick their fingers into the light socket and fuck things to hell, all in the name of money and the consumer gets the shitty product for full price.

The CEO of Atari, Bruno Bumblefuck, is a prime example. Atari, formerly known as Infogrames, is nothing more than yet another French publisher that only cares about money, not about product integrity or product support. The worse part is that most of those who hold the reigns of such companies are egomaniacal fuckwits. Then there's also Vivendi...

A game is considered crap by how inversely proportionate the cost is to the quality of the product. Poor game for $50, crap. Good game for $20, good game. These French "businessmen" have been the strongest driving force for crap games at a $50 price tag, and it's the thing that keeps the Japanese presence in the console market stronger than anything the French fuckwits could ever hope to throw at it (which is ironic, since Atari is Japanese for "success", loose translation). They don't have the integrity, as Bruno displays. The CEO of Atari has basically publicly admitted that he doesn't care if gamers get a shit product, as long as it sold well and made money. So, if they are going to treat their money as a prosthetic dick, they can enjoy such remarks. I really don't consider everyone in France to be French - only those in shithole Paris, everyone else is just misfortunate for the reputation the pretentious idiots in that city perpetuate. It's become so bad that people say that they are a resident of a region or another town, rather than have the stigma the Parisisans have developed, and will not say that they are French. They have been doing so for years. Losing one's head in Paris seems to be quite a common thing.

This scam has become so common that I suspect that they have a college course on how to get money, get control of a publisher, release a load of dubious-quality titles while giving themselves a fat paycheck, and then keep the scam going as long as possible.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the lead-up to this problem, Hasbro. A card and board game manufacturer who bought up as many development studios as they could, and projects died because those in charge at Hasbro had NO CLUE how to develop games at all, thinking that works such as Master of Magic should only take a year like the video card and board games their computer division used to shit out yearly or twice-yearly.
Hm... that's not the case with game developers tho, is it?
From what I've experienced the European game developers tend to be a little less... conventional, which implies that some European publishers feel more comfortable with supporting innovative ideas than the vast majority of American ones.

Apparently there's quite a history of French publishers screwing around with things they don't understand tho, so I guess there's a lot of black sheep in the business.
I don't trust a word outta IneptPlay's mouth.

I know companies come out of bankruptcy, but they usually do so with some sort of means to operate while in the bankruptcy. They have to much debt to attract investors, and they have few means to obtain capital.

They're screwed.