Enclave Petrol in Fallout 2


First time out of the vault
I recently patched my Fallout 2 with
-Kids patch
-B-Team patch
-Official 1.2 patch
-killaps unofficial patch

After leaving Arroyo I attempted to go to SF (to steal me a gause rifle and give myself a slight upper hand). Anyways I always seem to get attacked by an enclave petrol about halfway down the map. I have saved halfway down the map. Now which ever way I move on the map I get attacked by them within half a square. I'm presuming this is a glitch and I'm screwed?

I remember before I uploaded the patch I normally made it to San Fran with hardly any hassle. Is the any way around this or will I always get in random encounters with enclave on my way to SF? I was thinking this might be part of killaps Patch to stop people going to SF too early in the game but I couldn’t see anything that says that on the alterations file.

Any help?
Yes killap made it impossible to go to San Fran straight away cause he hates cheaters. :P Or not.
Actually the game was designed this way from the very beginning, but for whatever reason they made the number of encounters you get dependent on the speed of your computer. Faster computer = less encounters. So with today's much faster computers you get very few encounters. The patch fixes the encounter rate, that's why you are having trouble, just like the developers wanted.
Well I've just managed to get there and admittedly it was trouble. It does help to avoid enclave territory mind. DOH! :oops: Yeh I'm an idiot.

And yeh I have noticed the random encounters increase. Now I see why the car is so valuable. Before when i played the only thing it was good for was storage.