Encounter in the Desert?

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-00 AT 06:03PM (GMT)[p]OOC: I believe the number 42 is a bit steep for a single post so lets continue the fun here. At last count there were 7 characters in this story, is this too many? Ah, well, I'll leave it up to you to decide.

To Aerakade "Well, these are some odd circumstances indeed, may I ask sir, where did you come from and how in the hell did you find us?" While Regan waits for an answer, he begins to scan the tents more carefully, there are 4 in all, one is much larger then the others and none have any lights on in them.

"This really doesn't look like the average group of highwayman and some such, what I suggest is that we spread out until we have them surrounded, someone ought to try for a look into some of those tents." Regan begins to move for a glance into the biggest tent. "Oh, and if you find some people in there come over here quitely and tell me, if you don't find any, then my friends, we may be in trouble."

(ooc) My name is Aerakade , I came from the desert where my friend Greven and I , were attacked. We were split up in battle , he was shot and came towards this town , were as I tracked down our attackers and eliminated them. I came for Greven , and not to cause trouble. *his words are firm , but meaningful*
Ack Ack Ack.....

(ooc) Dear Readers/Posters/Etc,

I would like to appollogize , the last post was OBVIOUSLY IC , were as I posted the contrary. I'd like to say sorry to those who may have gotten confused by that... and thank you to Zen Master because 42 was quite steep as he put it.
Whats that?

Regan creeps off into the bushes to the right to peer into the lip of the large tent, what he sees there astounds him. "Looks like a grill and some headlights, either this is more then could be expected or we have found some lucky raiders."

"I had better get this news to the others..."

Ferago was leaning against a rock siping his nuke'a'cola. His senses suddenly beacame sharp.He herd some thing move in the bushes. "Who's their?" he said puting his hand on his desert eagel. Regan emerged from the bushes."Its ok" he said. "You wont belevie what I just saw" Regan said pointing toward the large ten."What?" Ferago said finishing his nuke'a'cola.
RE: what?

"They've got a vehicle of some sort down there." "I think it might be an old army jeep, anyway this means more then you might think. How many people wandering the wastes have you seen with cars?"

"Spread the word around while I go down and check on our neighbors."

Regan begins to proceed towards the back of the strange camp in an attempt to sneak up on the strange vehicle.

Ferago hurryed around telling every one about what Regan had found. After he had finished he pulled out his eagel and went off to watch Regan's back.
RE: jeep

He found himself a good spot to watch the two venture down towards the jeep, keeping an eye open for unexpected visitors.

As Regan slid down the slope into the valley as quietly as possible he attempted to move to the back flap of the tent, which now appeared to be some kind of strange multi colored cloth stretched over a set of poles.

Finally upon reaching the tent, Regan lifted the back flap up to reveal the vehicle, it was a green army jeep with the words Willys Jeep, and USA clearly printed in various locations on the back, but the most amazing thing was the jeeps near perfect condition, despite some general dustiness whomever the vehicle belonged to, they took good care of it.

Suddenly from far off, about a mile judging from the sound, was heard the rat-a-tattat of machine gun fire and the whine of laser weapons. Regan abandoning caution to the wind ran out in front of the tents and shouted for everyone to come down. "Theres no one here!" "They must all be off fighting out that way!" "Is everyone still here?"
RE: Huh

*as soon as the machine gun fire is heard , Aerakade quietly lurks along the highers parts of the town to go and inspect the gun fire, when he gets closer to it he raises his scoped hunting rifle to see for himself what the commotion is , but tree's block his sigth , all he knows is that there is a lot of fighting going on*
what the?

"What the hell was that?" Ferago said walking toward Regan. "Sounds like a big gun fight, who do you think they are? BOS?,NCR?,Raiders?.....mutants?" Ferago said with a worryed look on his face.

"I don't know..." "All this looks to sophisticated for Raiders, no way mutants could fit behind the wheel of that jeep, NCR doesn't have jurisdiction this far north and besides, I never heards of them using vehicles and the BOS isn't really powerful enough to be hiding out near VC."

"We need to get everyone together and discuss this but first we ought to go check out the battle before it ends." With those words Regan begins to make his way up the hill, as he draws closer to the gunfire that can still be heard he comes upon Aerakade hiding in amongst the trees attempting to see whats going on with the scope on his rifle.

"Come on, we need to get closer if we want to see anything." As the group of three draws up on the edge of the forest the battle can be seen to take place between what looks like a group of mutants who have some men in combat armor on their side fighting with some professionals in armored uniforms. The strange enemies uniforms appear to be a high tech type of armor slightly smaller then power armor but definitely built with the same theme in mind, the strange thing is the color, which appears to be a dark blue green, except for what must be the leader who wears a suit of black.

The mutants and humans, a few more of which can be seen wearing metal and leather armor, are clearly losing. This is a fact even though they are equipped with laser rifles, gatling guns, assault rifles and the like. Its not that the strange armor can reflect all shots but the odd soldiers seem higly trained and able to take maximum advantage of cover and also make use of their strange whining rifles to put slugs into the enemy where it counts.

As the trio watch on, the professionals cut down the last of what can now be seen to be a combined VC patrol and Untiy Patrol force, two groups who would be hard pressed to fight together no matter the circumstances. "Holy shit, what do we do now?" Regan muttered to his companions as the rest of the group started to arrive.

OCC:Hah, I sat around and thought of a plot which seems quite interesting to me although everyone else might not like it, if you don't like the above then by all means tell me and we can do something to make it all go away, and also, I could keep the plot to myself or share it with everyone. Although, in all truth, its not really a plot but a single idea that I'm going to make up a plot for as I go along. You see I have never played an online RPG or any RPG cept for a very basic version of the verbal pen and paper one which I haven't done in years anyway and this all seemed like a good idea to me at the time that I wrote it. and geez this is a long post, thanks for reading it.

"wow,those guys are serious bad asses.Every one should fall back and hide while one of us watches what their gona do." Ferago said turning to the others."Aerakade do you know what kind of power armor that is?"

*grimaces severly* Holy Sh*t... we have to run.. I've met these guys before uhm... clear out the town or something... *grim , but not panicked*
RE: ...

"Get everyone back to the van and out of those guys little valley and we'll see what we can do about this." Regan states as he heads back off towards the camp to warn his companions.

Ferago quickly gets up and runs for the van warning the others on his way. He opens the passenger side door and gets in. He puts away his eagel and pulles out his .223 pistol,loads the clip and opens another bottel of nuke'a'cola to calm his nerves.
RE: run

Uhm... *runs to the van also , looking for EMP grenades , he finds two , and pockets them* Nice van *grabs some spare .223 and gets back to the valley*
RE: run

He followed them to the Valley and watched some of the fighting. "Um we should be leaving soon, looks like this is gonna end soon, and I dont want to be anywhere near here." He said as he held tightly to the shotgun and glanced back at the Van.
Alrigt come on!

"Everyone back in the van!" "We need to find a place to recuperate and plan" Regan shouts as he runs off towards the van.

"Where are Greven and Torr?" "Ah, well I'm sure they'll meet up with us again." Regan starts up the van and moves it off to a valley about 3 miles away. "Who the hell were those guys?" "Wo ought to go down and check out the battle sight as soon as they are gone."
Alrigt come on!

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-00 AT 04:23PM (GMT)[p]OOC: Bah!