Endurance Memory Module(F02)


First time out of the vault
I'm sure along the line, someone's asked this before but I did a search and nothing came up. In the items section under Fallout 2, it says there's a memory module for endurance in the 3rd level of vault 13. I've looked and could never find it. Is this just a mistake on the site, or am I not looking in the right place? Thanks for the help.
Sorry if this is an old thread..

Yellow memory module: 1+ intelligence, located in Military Base.
Blue memory module: 1+ charisma, located in Navarro.
Red memory module: 1+ strength, located in Vault 8
Memory module: 1+ perception, located in Sierra Army Depot I think.
I belieave there may also be memory modules in vault 13, vault 15, Toxic caves and maybe Brotherhood of steel building in San Fransisco as well.. I have started playing the game again so Ill probably find out in a few days.

http://www.gamebanshee.com/fallout2/locations/newsanfrancisco.php said:
Red Memory Module (Strength): 2 weeks

Found in Vault City, on level 2 of the vault. You must pry open the jammed doors with a high strength (use drugs or crowbar if you require assistance).

Yellow Memory Module (Intelligence): 4 weeks

Found at the Sierra Army Base, level 1 (see the New Reno section) within a locker on the southeast side of the level

Green Memory Module (Perception): 2 weeks

Found at the Military Base, level 3 on the southeast side of the level

Blue Memory Module (Charisma): 3 weeks

Found in Navarro, on the underground level in the locker room.

Pycnopodia said:
I belieave there may also be memory modules in vault 13, vault 15, Toxic caves and maybe Brotherhood of steel building in San Fransisco as well..

There are none, but there are some very important items to be acquired from Vault 13, apart from the GECK. Toxic Caves has got some cool waponry there, as well as BOS bunker, but that's it. Vault 15 has got items that are needed for NCR quests.