Fallout 2 mod Error Saving Object In denbus1.sav Among Other Problems In Fallout 2.


First time out of the vault
Lately I encountered a new type of error when going back to the Den long after I left it to New Reno and then to San Francisco.
What happens sometimes I get this error and then the game continue. When I leave Den West Side and then come back from other areas of the Den I will usually get the error "The instructions at x referenced memory at x could not be, the memory could not be written".
Now searching around the forum I noticed a few mentions of "memory could not be read" error but very little "could not be written" ones.

My setup is as follow:
Fallout 2 Restoration Project
Inventory Tweaks
Way of the Fist
Rapid Perks
Custom Perks
FRP Skillbooks.

So far among the 3 different installs I had this one was the most stable one. I managed to reach San Fransisco with sometimes just 1 crash per day which is a good sign. The game is very susceptible to save corruption like no other.
The weird part was the error happened when going back to the Den rather visiting a new site like its usually happen.
I added screenshots and 2 of my save games for examples, as I heard it is requested for troubleshooting.

I will like to ask.
1. What troubleshooting can be done?
2. Are save game's salvageable? I got few days of progress since leaving the Den so going back all the way will be like repeating more then 50% of my total gameplay.
3. What the memory could not read vs written errors even means?
4. Can the DENBUS1.sav be edited and fixed somehow?

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