Ethan Haas


Vault Senior Citizen
this shit is fucking with my brain so good. I love it.

Discuss this site and anything you glean in this thread from the various sites linked to from the site.

Thanks guys, hope some of you have some interesting ideas.

If you need any help with the puzzles or finding any of the secret messages on the various sites, feel free to ask, I'll share what I know with you.
Produced by J.J. Abrams? Cthulhu thinks you'd make a great sandwich.


I was the first person to yell "Cthulhu!" in the theater during the trailer.

Then I wanted to go home and play Rampage.


I so dearly hope it's a movie about Cthulhu.
Paladin Solo said:
Produced by J.J. Abrams? Cthulhu thinks you'd make a great sandwich.


I was the first person to yell "Cthulhu!" in the theater during the trailer.

Then I wanted to go home and play Rampage.

One of the emails is giving out autoreplies that state that the movie and the ethan haas sites are not related.

who knows/??

also, for the record, there is already a cthulhu movie under way by a different company
xdarkyrex said:
One of the emails is giving out autoreplies that state that the movie and the ethan haas sites are not related.

who knows/??

Then why all the advertisement for the J.J. Abrams movie?
I couldn't tell ya, maybe it's intentionally misleading?

Theres all sorts of hidden messages and secret buttons all over those sites though.

There are some pretty wild theories floating around with what the hell all this shit is.

Hell, I've even heard of peopel who think its something real!

I wonder if it's a multi-movie advertisement. Sort of like, a bunch of movies all linked to one single event/story.


A look into their forums made me shit my pants. Too much hype! That would put RAI to shame.
I actually heard some people saying this is going to be a game.

If this is a game, I don't care about anything more, I want it.

This is the best and most clever viral advertising I've ever seen.

Oh, here's the best page, though.

Paladin Solo said:
A look into their forums made me shit my pants. Too much hype! That would put RAI to shame.

I really hope that whatever this is, that the product is atleast as good as the advertising.

Paladin Solo said:
I so dearly hope it's a movie about Cthulhu.

Bah, online game or not, it has way too many connections with J.J. Abrams/Cloverfield, or the other way around, perhaps? A movie based on an online puzzle game? I imagine, however, that the game might just exploit the movies as a clue or something. Either that or Ethan Haas wants to make a quick buc.

Damn it, you did this to me! I was happily playing Total War before I decided to click your link, and now I'm inquisitive and Indiana Jones-bound!
Paladin Solo said:
Bah, online game or not, it has way too many connections with J.J. Abrams/Cloverfield, or the other way around, perhaps? A movie based on an online puzzle game? I imagine, however, that the game might just exploit the movies as a clue or something. Either that or Ethan Haas wants to make a quick buc.

Damn it, you did this to me! I was happily playing Total War before I decided to click your link, and now I'm inquisitive and Indiana Jones-bound!

:twisted: We all must feel my pain.

how far you got on the puzzle?

I'm trying not to cheat,

I'm on the third one, and vlueless as all hell wtf to do with it.

oh and heres the trailer and wiki


On July 9, 2007, producer J. J. Abrams denied the relation of the puzzle websites to the film and cited as being the official website. He said that other websites had been developed to market the film, but to his knowledge, none had been found so far.[12]
SuAside said:

:lol: Right as I was editing it in.

Theres all sorts of hidden messages and emails with automated replies and bizarre shit all over these sites.
It's so damned intriguing.

There are a lot of fakes online too, though.

apparently there is a theory of a connection to this game.

Wooo post apoc rpg!
I'm gonna keep my eye on that.

Saturday, July 7, 2007
2205 Holly Pine Circle?

In the domain record for, Van Mantra lists his address as 2205 Holly Pine Circle in Orlando, Florida. This address appears to be a real address, of some sort.

Near the end of 2006, it was listed as the contact address for the wedding of one Thomas McLaughlin and Jessica Mock.

The same Tom McLaughlin is listed as the contact person for media inquiries into a forthcoming table-top RPG game, and in fact you can see him listed on the website for the company behind that game.

The game in question?

Our planet is about to become the battleground for otherworldly creatures of incredible power as they wage an ancient war. The End of Times seems to have arrived. Are angels and demons walking among us, or is there a larger chain of events unfolding?

So the address is real. The only questions are: What's there? And what connection does Tom McLaughlin have to all of this?

For what it's worth: "Mind Storm Labs", the company behind the game? Does not appear to exist, at least according to Google, prior to May of this year.

This is the company who made the puzzle btw.

Their main site is fantastic, I love it.
Ahem, did anyone notice the "E.O.7" thing on the main site? This brings into question, if it was in fact "Eo7", if it has any relation to Eon8.


Nope, it's a game. However, the site is related to the movie, but only through some kind of marketing scheme.