Evacuating Vault 101 After Sabotage


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I discovered through the dialogue text files on gamepedia and the fallout wikia that if you sabotage the vault, you could tell them about the vault life support systems failing and their reaction to the vault becoming uninhabitable. Officer Gomez and Butch have have more new dialogue about this revelation with Butch even shouting "Score!" There were supposed to have been dialogue options with Gomez telling him to wait with everyone outside and you would make sure they were okay or telling him that it's every man for himself.

Yet when you sabotage the vault, everyone just disappears.

In my opinion, this option to solving the most hated quest in the game could have been improved significantly if you actually could participate in evacuating the vault.

Here are some ideas I had about this:

In reference to a previous thread I started about how this could have been a much more satisfying quest, one of my ideas was helping Stanley fix the filtration system.

If you have a perception of 8 or a science skill of 80 or a repair skill of 70, you could inspect the reactor and discover a flaw. Other than informing Stanley of it, you could have two options:

-Repairing the flaw yourself. This requires a repair skill of 80 to succeed. Attempting to repair without sufficient skill will result in system failure and complete the optional objective of sabotaging the vault, but without the karma loss. This will result in Stanley panicking and he will flee the area, telling you to help him alert the residents.
-Further damage the reactor at the flawed point. Doing this requires a strength of 9 and your melee weapons or unarmed skill at 75. This will reduce your karma and complete the optional objective of sabotaging the vault. Stanley will confront you about your actions and then flee to inform everyone about what has happened.

Causing further damage will allow you to be confronted later by the overseer and Wilkins if he is still alive. The rest of the vault will be hostile towards you and armed loyalists and security guards ("What have you done? The vault is done for!") will attack you.

If you failed to repair the reactor, you will not be confronted by the overseer and officer Wilkins if he is still alive as you exit. You will meet officer Gomez if he is still alive and you can tell him about the vault systems failing. Depending on what you tell him, he will either thank you for being there for everybody or he will angrily curse you.

If you told Gomez that it's every man for himself or caused further damage to the reactor, leaving the vault now will reduce your karma further because you abandoned the residents to their fate.

If you choose to help evacuate the vault, Gomez will ask you to rally together as many people as you can and direct them towards the exit. You will gain ten points of karma for every person you alert to the situation. Even the overseer can be alerted. If Alphonse is still overseer he will ask how it happened. Depending on what you tell him, he will either turn hostile and attack or he will cast blame on himself for the way he ran things. He will stay behind to die with the vault, asking you to tell his daughter he is sorry.

Butch obviously is happy with what has happened. You can tell Amata about how you were helping Stanley fix the system and the reactor malfunctioned. She will be upset with what happened but will not blame you. She will thank you for alerting her and everyone else to what has happened though. If you've already met with her father and he has chosen to stay behind, you can tell her this news. She will hurry off in shock to try to persuade her father to evacuate, but to no avail as you can see if you follow her. She will reluctantly realize the futility of it all and will evacuate without him regretfully.

After you leave the vault and exit through the door leading back to the world map, a massive explosion rocks behind you within the vault. Everyone who hasn't fled will be killed and the vault will be inaccessible due to the entrance blocked with debris. The vault residents you helped evacuate will be outside. Some of them will thank you for saving their lives. Some will be uncertain about their future in the wasteland. And others will state their belief that you had something to do with what happened. If Amata is with them, you can talk to her about her father's fate and she will be sad about what has happened.

Throughout the rest of the game, you will be able to see the survivors scattered across the wasteland or in various settlements.