There is a 2-month old thread about EvE
over here.
If you're too bored to click the link I can point out the highlights:
rcorporon is playing the 2-week trial and decided to keep playing afterwards. (Today he says he didn't get a huge thrill out of it).
horse said it was "multiplayer excel" back then...and still does now.
Most other people said that they played the trial period but they weren't impressed by what they saw.
And I listed the 10 rules of EvE...which haven't changed at all except Rule #7 no longer applies (lag is gone) and rule #10 is being fixed in the near future via an online EvE Encyclopedia.
From my experience, there are three main ways to play the game. The first one is mostly doing PvE, like running missions or mining. This can last you for a couple of months, until you realise at a certain point that it won't get any better unless you willingly make yourself a target to some of the triggerhappy kids.
(Yes, contrary to what people claim, there are kids playing this game. At least, people with the maturity of kids. I don't differentiate between the two.)
The second mode is "true" PvP. This mostly involves you flying about trying to kill other players by any and all means necessary. Most of the PvP'ers hang around in the lawless areas of the game, which for most people means that venturing outside of "hi-sec" will get you killed by other players. They do not care who you are, if you are in lawless space with them, you are nothing but a target.
(Actually, you are a target wherever you go. Although unlikely, you may be suicide-attacked even in the safest of systems.)
A more advanced from of "true" PvP is out in the unclaimed regions of space, where large alliances have staked claims in huge tracts of space and are preventing other alliances from doing the same. It sounds appealing until you realise that your involvement in these fights will be from the perspective of a slave. The alliance
commands your every action, and if you either fail to comply or refuse to with these commands, you will be kicked out and killed on sight. Hands up, those whom want to pay a monthly subscription to be an online slave...
The third mode of playstyle is market PvP. In this mode, you just sit in a station buying and selling stuff, with the goal being to make money. EvE's economy is actually a strong point of the game. You can go from 1 ISK to 2 billion in a month of playing the market. There are players in EvE that are rich beyond comprehension.