cratchety ol joe
Mildly Dipped

Deep breath everyone, sit down if you need to.
I know this comes as a shock, but I just enjoyed Fallout 4.
I'm going through my 2nd play-through (because steam achievements drive my existence) and while powering through the game and ignoring everything, clicking through 'conversations' with lots of "yeah" , "mm-hmm" and "okay" - I reached the quest line where I'm playing boyscout to the brotherhood, and so Fort Strong came up in conversation. Dull business as usual crap.
Here's where things got interesting...
Like many folk, I listen to music while gaming, and this instance of brilliance amused me no end... I climbed aboard the Vertibird and in doing so, knowing all too well how this part of the game plays out, I think to myself "this would be fun If it were to ride of the Valkyries"
And this being the day and age when such thoughts can instantly become actions, only moments later, YouTube was wailing away in the background...
I cannot express how joyous this moment was, and with some strange pre-cognisance I chose to FRAPs the whole thing... the music in the video is the music I was listening to at the time I was playing, not dubbed in later
For your viewing pleasure:
post ed: before anyone moans that I'm using a glitch or cheat for infinite ammo, I assure you, no cheats or such were used, the game is on the hardest difficulty and I've done nothing unusual to get to this stage having the gear I have
this game is just too damn easy. The eagle eyed among you may notice an off armour readout, this is a known side-effect / bug from one of the mods I have which better balances Power Armour based on better DR DT effect... It's fun watching raiders run in terror as I approach 
I know this comes as a shock, but I just enjoyed Fallout 4.
I'm going through my 2nd play-through (because steam achievements drive my existence) and while powering through the game and ignoring everything, clicking through 'conversations' with lots of "yeah" , "mm-hmm" and "okay" - I reached the quest line where I'm playing boyscout to the brotherhood, and so Fort Strong came up in conversation. Dull business as usual crap.
Here's where things got interesting...
Like many folk, I listen to music while gaming, and this instance of brilliance amused me no end... I climbed aboard the Vertibird and in doing so, knowing all too well how this part of the game plays out, I think to myself "this would be fun If it were to ride of the Valkyries"
And this being the day and age when such thoughts can instantly become actions, only moments later, YouTube was wailing away in the background...
I cannot express how joyous this moment was, and with some strange pre-cognisance I chose to FRAPs the whole thing... the music in the video is the music I was listening to at the time I was playing, not dubbed in later

For your viewing pleasure:
post ed: before anyone moans that I'm using a glitch or cheat for infinite ammo, I assure you, no cheats or such were used, the game is on the hardest difficulty and I've done nothing unusual to get to this stage having the gear I have

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