F.I.F.E. News


Night Watchman
Staff member
mvBarracuda sent us a press release regarding the development of FIFE, an open-source engine for isometric cRPGs resembling Fallout as closely as possible - but with many tweaks and features added.<blockquote>Now that three months since our first public release have passed, it is time to bring you update on the current status of FIFE. As lacking transparency was surely one of the biggest problems of IanOut, our aim is to be as honest as possible about the progress we made but also about the problems we've encountered.

So we start with some bad news first: our old lead coder Chris has stepped down from his position as he felt burned out and wants to focus on real-life activities now. He stated himself that this might not be a final decision but however he won't return for the next months.

We recognized that heavily relying on a single person is no good long-term solution so we decided to replace the old lead coder position with several "engine core coders". The idea is to split up the pressure and the responsibility to three / four core coders instead of a single programmer. We were able to fill one is these engine coder positions with Phoku. He does a great job improving the engine, however we don't want to end up with the same situation as before. So we're still searching for advanced C++ coders who are interested in taking the challenge of participating in a large-scale Fallout project.

This project is in development for seven months so interested coders shouldn't be afraid that it would be as complicated as starting something from scratch. Our project organization structure encompasses bi-weekly IRC meetings, a development wiki, a public Subversion sourcecode repository and a quite active mailing list, so we are just lacking core developers to use this basis ;-)

If you're interested in FIFE we suggest to take a look at our developer guide. It contains all necessary information about the project e.g. how to get the sourcecode, how to compile FIFE and how to contact the development team:

However there are also of course some good news to report. Our coder Skybound worked on the GUI code of FIFE and was able to recreate a kind of Fallout 2 with FIFE. Here are two example screenshots:

<center> </center>

And we are happy to welcome Cheesesucker to the team. He will be working on our upcoming editor suite for FIFE: FIFEdit. Here is a work in progress screenshot from the new zoom feature that allows you to view complete Fallout maps in a single window:


With the current lack of engine core developers we cannot announce a release date for the next public FIFE release. Although you can always get the most recent SVN code and compile it yourself.

If we are not able to attract new coders we won't let our baby die :-) It will just take some serious amount of time till the next release. So we would really appreciate any help in the coding department.</blockquote>

Link: http://www.fifengine.de
Sorry, I just put the wrong number in the link code, it's late... there you go, fixed.
Is there a serious effort in porting Fallout 1 and 2 to this engine and having them fully playable? I've barely followed FIFE and Ianout before it, and all I really see is an open source CRPG engine with Fallout resources as a foundation. I downloaded one of the earlier releases some time ago and it's exactly that minus the ability to play anything.

There are few games I can think of were resurrected through source ports. Doom is one of the biggest and most successful (Doomsday [jDoom], and ZDoom for example). Fallout deserves this kind of attention now more than ever.

The "Patcher" deal released last year was on the right track in offering higher resolutions/slowed down map, but obviously forcing the Fallout engine to do something it wasn't designed for hasn't worked all that well.
The idea is to have Fallout and Fallout 2 completely playable with the FIFE engine. The fact that that hasn't been achieved yet is due to the fact that there isn't a real release yet, nor has there been of IanOut, hence your dissapointment.

As for the project, it's looking promising and coming along nicely, at least a lot better than many other projects I've seen. I wish you a lot of luck and I expect you to deliver a great product. ;)
Thanks. I'll be waiting patiently. I love source ports and I'm convinced the only reason so many people are blind to Fallout and good RPG's is technology (*cough* Windows XP) has left them in the dust. I probably wouldn't care so much if Fallout 3 wasn't coming soon.
Looks like they're using OpenAL as well as OpenGL. Considering that this is fully single-perspective isometric I don't see the point, but I suppose it's cool that they're using modern APIs.
It's too early in the dev process to pass any sort of judgment on how good of a design this project has. As the readme says, very few actual features are working right now. I look forward to the actual Alphas Here's hoping that we will someday see a Beta.