F1, 2, and Tactics: How do I Delete Saves?


First time out of the vault
^^^Title says all.^^^

Please don't make fun of me. >.< :oops: :(

Edit: It's Windows XP.
So when I go there I see A LOT of .SAV files. It seems the files that are more experienced have more of these.

Should I delete all the .SAV files? And if yes, is there anything else?
Post relevant information, like operating system.

If it's XP or earlier, the save folders are in your Fallout2/data/savegame folder. If it's Vista, they're hidden away somewhere no one will probably ever find them.
For F1/2, the folders data/savegame/slot01 through slot10 correspond with the ten save slots in-game. If you want to delete a saved game, remove the entire folder. The .sav files are saved maps; the more areas you visit, the more maps need to be saved.