[F1]Crash on 3rd floor Cathedral


First time out of the vault
Okay, this problem is driving me insane. I know you talked about this bug for about a dozen times put please take your time to read this maybe you can help me. Oh by the way I read the stickies. I was about to finish this great game when this bug appeared. The rest of the game was running fine most of the time apart from infrequent blackouts and one case of map corruption in Junktown. I am using XP, installed the game manually, applied the patch 1.1 and disabled dwwin.exe.
The game is running in compability mode with visual designs and fonts disabled. I also tried turning off Hardware Accelaration for my Videocard but the game didn't worked at all after that. Then I replaced the maps in my savegame then tried a real old savegame. NOTHING of that worked.
See I'm kinda running out of ideas of what to do next.
Maybe someone can help me?
Well, I really doubt someone is hoarding a solution they purposely didn't post about in those other threads but would be willing to share now.
I seem to remember someone claimed it worked when he switched out the Cathedral music for a renamed copy of another music file. Did you try that? You may want to search for the details.
Even with just a Large installation they should have their own data/sound/music folder.
Unfortunetaly that didn't work either. There was that guy who hacked the fallout.exe and thereby bypassed that problem. But I don't know squat about hexediting. I'll see if I can PM him.
Thank's nonethless Per. Your guides rock.
Unfortunately I have this same problem. And even more unfortunately crashfix.exe did not work.
The crash happens when you are entering the Cathedral 3 for the first time?

List some more background info, especially what areas had you already explored, have you entered combat or used explosives, what have you tried to do already, what system do you have etc.

Also, please remember that if you are running a patch higher than 1.1, it is unofficial and you should post in the Modding forum instead.