F1: how to buy expensive stuff?!


First time out of the vault
So I am at Jakes in the Hub, wishing to buy combat armor. There is not enough money around and I cannot carry enough stuff to pay for the arnor to buy the armor with trading items.
Any way how to do this?
Uhuhuhuhuhuhuu-huhuhuhuh-huhuh-uh-huh-huh, he said "e-penis" :)

Anyway, you can convert your loot to cash one bit at a time at Beth's Gun Shoppe and Rumour Mill. She will magically regenerate bottle caps every time you go to a conversation. Use your NPCs as mules when you're at your carry capacity.
Or keep saving, loading and stealing caps from generic people. They have a certain amount (10-50) every time you reload. That's called a fast way to get rich.