F1: Screen goes black


First time out of the vault

First I wan to tell you, that I know that this problem with blackening screen in F1 was already discussed here maybne for hundred times. And solution is aslo in FAQ, but I have tried out everything that I found on the internet and it still doesn't work.

Firs. I have PC with configuration:
1,2 Ghz Duron
512 MB RAM
Nvidia Geforce6 NX6200AX 128 MB
19" LCD Medion

Windows XP Professional SP1, the latest graphic card driver from www.nvidia.com

So everytime when I try to run new game in Fallout ( this problem does not occur in main menu, character setting screen and etc only when there is "main game-payling screen ) screen goes black almost after every 5 seconds. I think, that it goes black everytime, when some objects on scren start to move - for example the rats in front of the Vault13.

So I have tried to find the solutions on the internet. I have found many and I have tried them out all. I have tried to run Fallout in compatibilty mode, to switch resolution on 640x480, 16 bit colours and 60 Hz frequency, to disable graphic card, to run it in compatibility mode, disable all Microsoft services, restart PC and then tried to run it again and tried to change graphic settings in very many ways, but it had never worked.

Now I have absolutely no idea about any other things that could help. Do you have any? I would be really thankful...
It's the background programs temporarily stealing focus, as is explained ad nauseam in this forum. What's also explained, ad nauseam, is that disabling as many services as you can probably fixes this problem, and if it doesn't, you're fucked.
Sander: As I have written, I've tried to disable it all, but it hasn't worked anyway...
Yachiko said:
Sander: As I have written, I've tried to disable it all, but it hasn't worked anyway...
No, you said you disabled just the microsoft services. Which is a far cry from 'everything'.

In any case, if you've really tried everything, including disabling everything, then there's no real way to fix it.
Unless you want to try running Windows in Safe Mode.
Ou... :oops: ... i thought, that if I disable all microsoft services, after the restart, there will be no process except system things runnign. But as I now realize thanks to you, I was very wrong, beacause after closing everything in task manager... it works ... :)

Thanks again, it was my stupid mistake...