F2 damage calculation algorithm


Still Mildly Glowing

maybe someone know at what adress (in f2.exe) lies damage calculating algorithm in F2???

I would like to make some changes hare to finally resolve F2 AP ammo
how about you search the forum for "damage"? I'm sure there's a shitload of threads about that subject, do the research.
Cubik2k is the right person for the problem. He was experimented with the damage values and adjusted ammo types (more-less, nothing's perfect), so you should check out his website for more details about it.
thanks lisac2k for promoting my website :)UInfortunatelly I didn't finish English version of article about damaging calculate in FO2 and FT but only in Polish. However, on this forum there is my old post in article in English about the same problems (about calculating damage in FO2). The alghoritm is in 99,99% right so all interested modders should be satisfaced :)