[F2] New Reno - will they deliver stolen car?


First time out of the vault
- I arrived to New Reno on late January
- My car was stolen, I talked to T-ray and payed him for car and for upgrades, he said when they're finished they will deliver my car back (to Virgin Street as I understand) and nobody will steal it once again

Problem is:
- I do most of the quests in town, but the car is still missing
- I try to travel on world map and return on February, March, April even on August but the car is still at the chop shop

So what is going on?
- was the upgrade made right away after speech with T-ray?
- is it a bug? (walkthrough says t-ray is one of the most bugged characters)
- or maybe i have to do some special quest which i didn't do or NOT do some quests? (such as kiling some bosses (Salvatore and Mordino, Bishop is allright))

I would appreciate fast answer cause i dont know should i play Reno's part again or maybe it's all right, but don't want to waste time if it is a bug.

That's it. Below is the same problem in polish, maybe it will be more understandable for my folks:

Streszczamy się:
- Do Nowego Reno dotarłem pod koniec stycznia
- ukrali auto
- pogadałem, zapłaciłem za nie i za upgrade
- t-ray mówi: zrobimy i odstawimy, nikt nie ukradnie

No i teraz mój problem:
- robię questy w Reno, auto dalej nie odstawione
- poszedłem na "spacer", próbuję wracać w marcu, kwietniu, czerwcu, lipcu, sierpniu, auta dalej nie ma na alei dziewic, stoi w dziupli

Pytania brzmią:
- upgrade zrobił się od razu po rozmowie z t-rayem i mogę od razu wsiadać do bryki?
- mam jakiegoś buga? (w jednej anglojęzycznej solucji znalazłem wzmiankę, że t-ray to jedna z najbardziej zabugowanych postaci)
- może jednak trzeba KONIECZNIE wykonać jakiś quest, który pominąłem? (albo czegoś NIE robić?)[/b]
Theres alot of times when the car seems to just bug out and dissapear. I wouldn't be suprised if this was one of those times.
Have you tried "using" the car while it's in the chop shop? IIRC, if he's returned it to you, you should be able to just drive it out.

If that fails, shoot wildly.
I think it really was upgraded once I spoke to T-ray and payed him. Of course it was first I was playing F2 so I can't tell was there any difference (i was using car for about minute before entering New Reno).
And yeah, I just drove away.

Anyway I finished the game with so many Micro Fusion and Small Energy Cells that it doesn't really matter was the car upgraded.