[F2RP]Sudden crashes and failing to load saves.


First time out of the vault
I tried PMing Killap, himself, but I've had no reply, so I thought I'd make a topic in case you guys could get in touch with him or something -

"This chap had the same problem as I did:

"I am currently in the Den i killed metzger to free Vic and then recruit him. And each time i try to get to the next map i get a window saying: The instruction at 0047a55e referenced memory at 00000064 The memory could not be read from,then i must close Fallout 2. "

Obviously the circumstances are different. I didn't have Vic, and I was in the middle of a fight with Kaga, when suddenly I got the error message. It happened whenever Sulik's turn came about in the fight. I did a clean install and re-copied my saves etc, just to have it happen again. I thought "No matter, I'll reload my older hard save." That save wouldn't even load. Same error message.

What would you suggest? Would you like to inspect my save file?"

It is also to be noted that the error message I received was different.

Thanks very much for your time; I'm eager to get back to playing.
jcbenton said:
This chap had the same problem as I did
These error messages are generic. Different area, different circumstances, one while in combat and the other one not. Nope, sorry. Not the same problem.
The only thing in common is that both cause a crash. :lol:

IIRC we've solved 2 crash bugs with the Kaga encounters, though I think the last one (an endless loop bug) was not included until the latest beta version.
I can't remember the specifics with that bug, but it could perhaps be that one.

Anyway, I suggest you try this first:
Get the Fallout2 Savegame Editor.
Open it up and find your save. Push the misc tab. Then in the lower right corner is a button labelled "Clear combat info". Push that and then save your change. Load your game and try again.

If that don't work upload your save somewhere so someone could take a look at it please. It might help to prevent the same bug happen to others. Also, you are probably better off starting a new game than waiting for a fix.
I used F2se before, and for some reason now it isn't even identifying the saves. As soon as I point it in the direction of my f2 directory and click OK, nothing comes up. It's strange. I really don't know what's going on with these saves. I'll upload the save file(s) publicly. Even if there's no fix for it, it'd be great if somebody could at least tell me if there's any obvious problems.
Save 1 works fine for me.
Save 2 crashes like you said, but work fine once I clear the combat info. Can't really tell if the problem is with Sulik or Kaga.

That leads me to believe something is whacky with your game itself.
Maybe a complete re-install of the game will sort it out (keep your old saves though).
Also might be a good idea to get the latest version of F2se.
I do feel a bit dense for not putting the saves in the DATA folder. Ah, well.

Clearing the combat info fixed it, and I can't thank you enough. I just hope that save file can help out with future bugfixes.
Thanks for taking the time to help out here, Darek. Once again you're awesome.

@jcbenton, glad things work now. Sorry I didn't get back to you.