For most F2WR troubleshooting, reading the first few sections of the readme should suffice. Needless to say, most people will never do that, so here's a FAQ!
Is this mod compatible with Glovz' AP ammo fix that is included in killap's Restoration Project?
No, you must go inside the RP's ddraw.ini and set the AP ammo fix to 0, or JHP ammo will behave outlandishly.
What about Glovz' Combat Overhaul and similar projects?
Absolutely not. The Megamod and RP work fine with F2WR, but any weapon/ammo/armor mods are almost sure to cause conflicts.
Can I overwrite previous versions of F2WR with this new one I just downloaded?
Yes you can, without any malicious consequences.
Can I use savegames from an older version of F2WR, or even unmodded Fallout 2, with a new version of F2WR?
Yes, but remember these things:
1. All Light Support Weapons in your inventory/car will turn into Bozars. If the LSW was loaded before installation of F2WR, the Bozar will have 30/10 shots of .223 FMJ, and firing it might cause a problem. Unload the FMJ from the newly created Bozar and reload it with 14mmAP. Any Bozars that were in your inventory pre-installation will also turn into LSWs, but this should not cause any ammo weirdness.
2. All .223 Pistols in your inventory will turn into Mausers, and they will still be loaded with FMJ if the .223 pistol was. As with the Bozar, eject any weird ammo from the Mauser before firing it.
I got a random crash when using your mod!
So do I, all the time, and I also get it without any mod at all. Fallout 2 is a fickle mistress.
Is this mod compatible with Glovz' AP ammo fix that is included in killap's Restoration Project?
No, you must go inside the RP's ddraw.ini and set the AP ammo fix to 0, or JHP ammo will behave outlandishly.
What about Glovz' Combat Overhaul and similar projects?
Absolutely not. The Megamod and RP work fine with F2WR, but any weapon/ammo/armor mods are almost sure to cause conflicts.
Can I overwrite previous versions of F2WR with this new one I just downloaded?
Yes you can, without any malicious consequences.
Can I use savegames from an older version of F2WR, or even unmodded Fallout 2, with a new version of F2WR?
Yes, but remember these things:
1. All Light Support Weapons in your inventory/car will turn into Bozars. If the LSW was loaded before installation of F2WR, the Bozar will have 30/10 shots of .223 FMJ, and firing it might cause a problem. Unload the FMJ from the newly created Bozar and reload it with 14mmAP. Any Bozars that were in your inventory pre-installation will also turn into LSWs, but this should not cause any ammo weirdness.
2. All .223 Pistols in your inventory will turn into Mausers, and they will still be loaded with FMJ if the .223 pistol was. As with the Bozar, eject any weird ammo from the Mauser before firing it.
I got a random crash when using your mod!
So do I, all the time, and I also get it without any mod at all. Fallout 2 is a fickle mistress.