Factions (no good guys, bad guys)

Dirty Smuggler

First time out of the vault
There are many factions in this game; The Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel, Brotherhood Outcasts, Talon Company, Raiders, Slavers and the Children of the Atom, the Institute, the Railroad, the Temple of the Union. In a sense perhaps also the Ghouls of the Underground.

The number of factions is big enough and they are diverse enough, but the way they are done is way too simplistic. It kills immersion. There is too much unrealistic black vs white stuff going on.

It is a shame because there is so much potential here. Potential for a giant subset of quests based on faction politics. But to have that the line between good guys and bad guys must be blurred.

It must be more like the mob quests in New Reno. The Scottish (Irish?) redneck-whiskey mob was less "bad" than the Italian mobs but not at all by much. Idealy it would even become something as complex, varied and moraly ambigious as the factions in Planescape: Torment.

First, no faction should always shoot on sight. Even if they can not stand you, because of your reputation, they might have a job for a resourceful outsider. Of course they might decide not to pay you in the end, or decide to ambush you on your way back, or something, but simply making raiders and mercenaries into mindless drones that kill on sight is silly.

The BoS on the other hand is silly in the other extreme, they are "goody two shoes". They are too virtous. They feel more like Paladins from the Forgotten Realms D&D setting than something fit for the post-apocalypse. What is worse, they have next to no flaws of the Paladins. If they are to be so good they should at least be presented as more of a hardheaded, trigger happy, do-gooder type. Perhaps the Capital Wasteland chapter of the BoS should be particularly fanatical, self-righteous and willing to bust civilian heads for relatively minor sins.

Or maybe they are becoming more and more aggressive and it is actually the Enclave who are the underdogs and they keep attacking the Enclave and making their lives miserable for them, while the Enclave has actually reformed to an extent albeit they stil have the kooky racist ideas? Maybe there is an option to help overthrow the boss of the Brotherhood and help a less stubborn and fanatical member take charge. Or there is an option to sabotage Liberty Prime for the Enclave? Or an option to help any number of factions get their hands on the megaton bomb so they can pressure BoS into leaving them alone?

Also the Slavers are a major charicature. Where is the market for all these slaves? Slaves are useless if slavery is outlawed everywhere. Paradise Falls is a slaver outpost and a market not a town. Every free person in there is a slave hunter. Slavers should be legalists and suckers for the law and campaigning in certain towns for slavery to be introduced. All the while rationalising it as the only way to move forward economicaly in a post-apocalyptic world. They should have sleazy lawyer scribe types as well as the slave huners.

Perhaps there could be a town where a player could nudge things into this direction only for the town to see a huge influx of very cheap slave labour (since lately the slavers have not made much sales and had been fallen on hard times the supply has been much more than the demand bringing down the price). And this cheap labour would in the short term actually help the town in a noticeable way, seemingly vindicating the slaver`s economic arguments.

And it is polical nonsense that just anyone may become a slave provided that he is collared. It is impossible to establish or maintain a slaveholding order in this way. There must always be a group of people who can not become slaves under normal circumstances or slavery can not be maintained because it is a threat to all people and therefore all will be opposed to it. In reality it would only make sense if only say ghouls, raiders, unfostered orphans, the heavily indebted, bums, vagrants and outsiders from outside the CW could be enslaved. It would also do wonders for the slavers economic arguments seeing how they could argue what they do is target people who are not productive and force them to be productive and contribute to advancement of CW by enslaving them.

And there are way too many raiders. Economicaly it does not make sense for there to be so many raiders raiding so few producers. To make them plausible they should be reworked in a major way. They could be made to function like a contemporary variety of the old times Huns and Mongols. Instead of mindless induvidualistic killers that are more like animals than humans they could be a seperate culture, a seperate way of life. They could be nomadic scavangers, who are also thiefs or robbers of opportunity and who usually move in smaller bands, but occassionaly gather to join in a massive raid that can easily threaten a whole town.

They could have some pretty crazy cultural norms, like marriage for them meaning a male kidnapping a female preferably from some settlement or at least from another raider band. Instead of mindless retards they can be cool motherfuckers, you would want to ride with. They can be land pirates! They can have a charismatic, half-crazy, Jack Sparrow like character for a leader, except he would be enormously fat, permanentely high on mescaline, have a giant black beard and would interrupt his sentances with barking and howling!

The bottom line is the player must be pushed away from the good guys somewhat and seduced by the bad guys to an extent. Currently unless a player makes a consciouss decision to be a pyschotic evilomaniac he will finish the game as a goody two shoes. This is idiotic. Playing in a way where you "go with the flow" should result in you in retrospect doing almost as many favours for the "bad guys" as for the "good guys".
It`s ridicilous when there are more raiders standing around the wasteland getting ready to shoot on sight than there are honest to god townspeople standing around in towns. Does that sound right to you?
Raiders shooting people for no reason is kinda their whole purpose, but I agree, the factions are too cut and dry good and bad. The Slavers have slaves that really do nothing, its kinda like you get something then its Now what do i do? There should be certain towns where they allow slaves to be bought/sold and used, and you can even be a slaver yourself.
Gasilli said:
Raiders shooting people for no reason is kinda their whole purpose, but I agree, the factions are too cut and dry good and bad. The Slavers have slaves that really do nothing, its kinda like you get something then its Now what do i do? There should be certain towns where they allow slaves to be bought/sold and used, and you can even be a slaver yourself.

Hah, I am replaying F2 right now and joined the Slavers recently. Now I had to sneak my way to NCR and most people dislike me even before I talk to them.

Ah, this is what I want in F3.
Bos was never fraction of good all quests around them was only maked so they will get something from that it was prefectly show in f:tactic wher all help to other towns was only based that bos would get supply of fresh blood from them.
In f3 u cant call them good to well what they actually do thats make them looks good lyons propaganda is to help ppl in the washington waste
cool propaganda but actually the outcast fraction as neutrals to most of the fraction are more usfull on the waste than bos which actually dont exit washington ruins, and how bos is helping ppl i didnt seen any patrols near towns not even rivet city which is the closest one, insted of that i see them residing in pentagon which is the brain of american army and contains most of thier technology plans i see bos scribe in library which looks for books with lost knowledge, GNR radio?? ok the guy allow to use his station as temporary base for protection of him and his precious antena on the big monument that a name i dont remmber not to mention how the f.. a mutant could shot a antena from a top of that monument. Lyons squad helping u getting to gnr? this is the tricky one basically on all my games only 2 times i was able to meet them ther not to mention its reather that they need to get ther so player was just turist so eventualy this may dont count.
Purifier why do the bos help u ther well 2 things enclave always good to get more of thier stuff for research and they are a enemies of bos so heaving them so close to bos main base is kinda not good for bos and the 2nd thing having some of power over purifer ( well they did storm to help the brains to fix it didnt they) so they will have some power over pure water trade ( big place of water will be purify but for how long wher all aroud will be still radioactive).
So they are still kinda neutral in f3 they like mercenaries that do mostly good jobs.

I like riders idea and shoot and site and love jack sparrow idea like leader for me he could even be jack sparrow :D
There could be a kind of a raider camp, like that camp near shady sands in fallout 1. Other thing would be making more producers.
If raiders were shooting everyone (just because they are maked as "the bad guys"), then how did they get recruits/fresh blood?
Gasilli said:
Raiders shooting people for no reason is kinda their whole purpose...

Yes in a way it is. We are not dumb, we know what this is about. Fallout 3 is almost a FPS so Bethesda needed stuff for the player to shoot at while walking around. Shooting animals all the time would get boring so they added raiders and mutants.

But Fallout 3 should be an RPG and central to RPGs is immersion. Something silly and unrealistic is an immersion killer. In Fallout 2 raiders would attack you, but they didn`t stand around the desert in their twos and threes. They appeared in random encounters. Which made sense. It was like they ambushed you.

To me personally they seem too much like animals this way. Kill two mole rats, move up kill two killer bees, move up kill two raiders. What?

At the very least there should be seperate raider gangs like in the original Fallouts, and you could cosy up with one or two of the bands (so you would stil get attacked by some raiders) and if you did maybe the CW Paladin BoS would be the one that would shoot at you. But we can not do that because BoS is needed for the main quest, which is another reason why the main quest should be reworked and multiple paths to the goal allowed.

(Albeit of course I prefer my Mongols idea, to raiders as in Fallout 1 and 2, because of its potential, maybe as a seperate culture they could be much more emancipated and would be acceptive of outcasts like ghouls and mutants while settled towns would be more racists as they are now, and perhaps because they would be more chaotic, more anarchic they would frown on slavery, hate the slavers and easily offer refuge to escaped slaves, while at least some settled towns would actually flirt with slavery, things like that. But then it is not a binary choice is it, theorethicaly we could have both, the raiding culture and the raiding gang bangers similar to the Khans in paralell.)

Ok enough psyching up and phantasysing... Time to reinstall Fallout 3, install GECK and see just how moddable this game is... and just how hard it would be to get the hang of it...