May 12, 2010 #1 Magnus Water Chip? Been There, Done That Modder I'm trying to edit my savegames, but Falche2 won't work, it says it can't find character data Main1. I assume this is because the RP changes the save game format. Is there another trainer/editor that works with the RP?
I'm trying to edit my savegames, but Falche2 won't work, it says it can't find character data Main1. I assume this is because the RP changes the save game format. Is there another trainer/editor that works with the RP?
May 12, 2010 #2 GlowHound Look, Ma! Two Heads! You're in luck. A fellow by the name of vad made a much better one.
You're in luck. A fellow by the name of vad made a much better one.
May 12, 2010 #3 Magnus Water Chip? Been There, Done That Modder That one looks good. I just used the XPTables setting in the sfall ini and powerleveled Unarmed to 300 to test some stuff.
That one looks good. I just used the XPTables setting in the sfall ini and powerleveled Unarmed to 300 to test some stuff.